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I used to think Bradley Cooper was an insufferable douche, until I watched "Silver Linings Playbook" and was forced to conclude he's a hell of an actor.

I feel sad about Cameron Crowe. He had one hell of a run up through "Almost Famous". Then it all went to shit. Just like Rob Reiner.

Man, if white people stopped using Hawaii for their romantic fantasies, all the people there would starve.

Well, except for the fact that he's the only surviving male of House Baratheon. So yes, he is the head.

redundant post, deleted

Of course, GOT is loosely inspired by the Wars of the Roses, which certainly were not a model for good government.

"if I understand it correctly, most of the storyline we've seen him so far was not in the books"

Littlefinger got Ned killed because Ned wouldn't join him in backing Renly.

I think it is. She should have just put them all to the sword and given the town over to the slaves. Of course, that would mean she couldn't spend all this time farting around in Meereen instead of actually doing something.

"From a storytelling standpoint, the endless misery in Winterfell is way past the point of diminishing returns."


No leaders.

Process of elimination? Who is Sansa interacting with now that she's shut up in her room? That old lady, and Reek.

Sansa did not tell Reek about the old lady. She gave him the candle, and he left the room.

Some folks really don't pay attention.

Isn't Uncle Kevan Lannister still around?

Correcting other people's spelling isn't stupid. And it isn't even dickish, seeing as how you're misspelling so many names, so badly, and so often.

Tommen does have that authority, it's just that he's a weakling and a coward. Tommen is a shitty king just like Joffrey, but shitty in a completely different way.

"A monarchy is by far the most effective and efficient form of government there is."

Most of the characters on "Rome" were the elite. Was Julius Caesar a commoner?