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I can't see this at all. The 1% are portrayed as constantly making terrible decisions that make life miserable for the 99%.

It is at best incomplete to say the Romans disapproved of homosexuality. I had a Latin Civ teacher in college who summed it up thusly: Roman sexuality was about pitchers and catchers. You wanted to be a pitcher, not a catcher. The scene in "Rome" where Atia takes Octavian to a brothel and one of his choices is a

I was about to mention the Bonfire of the Vanities. But while he liked setting rich people's stuff on fire it wasn't like Savonarola wanted to give the peasants the vote and make Italy a republic.

It's not a fade to black, it's a smash cut to black. Big difference, in that context.

Well, the rest of us don't care.

Phillies! (And yes, that was "Battleground". I love the scene where that French woman with the huge rack is slicing bread with a big knife and Van Johnson is wincing.

I tried to watch that on TCM once. So cheap and shitty and dumb. I bailed 10 minutes in.

"Welcome to Sherwood!"

I read every F review on the AV Club. I don't watch this show either, but taking care of a troublesome witness by killing everyone in the courtroom where he testified is delightfully stupid.

Well, the box could be the Hope Diamond, or a first-class plane ticket to Maui, or a relic of the True Cross. Or we could just accept what the characters on the show tell us.

I loved "Three's Company" as a child. Watched it 25 years later, was shocked ant how horrible it was. That show was the worst.

In "Dark Victory", Bette Davis smoked in her hospital bed…as she awaited surgery for brain cancer.

"Klute" was pretty good.

Yep. Theres one in "The Blue Dahlia".

Well, for starters, you can't have naked ladies on the screen just for the sake of having naked ladies. Feminist Twitter would never stand for that. Look at all the people who apparently never watched the original "Star Trek" that lost their minds when Alice Eve was shown in a bra.

Yep, they still run between shows on occasion. Sometimes they're thematically appropriate—I think I saw a travelogue about Italy after they ran "Roman Holiday".

Yes, I'd say that isn't dated in any meaningful way because Wodehouse was writing about a fantasy world. Seriously, just look at how long he was writing those books. He wrote his first Jeeves story right after World War I ended and wrote his last one in 1974, and Bertie Wooster never changes or ages.

Check out "Walkabout" when she was, I dunno, 19 or something.

Wait, there's someone who thinks Welles was wrong in the "Frozen Peas" recording? Of course he was right. Those producers were numbnuts. "Crumb crisp coating" indeed.

Try watching "Die Hard" and thinking about cell phones. And yet "Die Hard" is a goddamn classic.