
Herein lies the distinction between a property OWNER and a property LANDLORD. Owners control the money and the ultimate decision-making ability, while the Landlords's role is to just manage the property and collect rent based on instruction from the Owner. Sometimes the same entity plays both roles...especially

It depends on if a cached write occurs. What happens is that in order to write large quantities of files to the drive, the computer may store some of those files locally due to the write speed of the external drive not being sufficient. So if the files are not fully written to the drive and are cached and then the

I am in Atlanta enough for business and can tell you that the stadium is in a bad location. However you would need to move the stadium out of Georgia to find a good one.

I hope the new stadium will be named Cobb Stadium. Not only is it a great baseball name, it would continue the Braves' tradition of playing in a stadium named after a raging asshole.

BBM is much more than just iMessage. and the convience of PIN based adding means you dont need to give your phone number out when socilizing.

Without showing off, I get my suits from Saville Row they regularly out last my friends. The shirt I'm wearing it 4 years old, suit, 3 years and shoes 3 years (been re-soled twice), They all still look and feel like in their first year.

How about we invest that $676 a year in a $10 to $20 device called a tire pressure gauge? That leaves you with $656 to $666 a year to not look like an idiot taking pictures of your car's tires. I recommend Milton.

Correct! I wish more men got their clothing tailored, but for those that don't, this is a quick fix to hopefully bring a little more polish to their suits.

I wish my problem was clothes fitting too long... I'm 6'4'', and finding pants that fit is nearly impossible. Shirts that I'm not swimming in are always too short in the sleeves. I can't afford to get custom tailored clothes.

It astounds me that more people don't understand this. You can't sit around the house and eat crap unless you consciously prepare for the experience when you shop for groceries.
There are numerous diet plans available on the web that include shopping lists and menus. The best time to exercise self control is at the

Wow, if you'd bite a juggler, I can't imagine what you'd do to a mime.

Yea... Even more reason for hardware manufacturers to release new phones every month. I'm perfectly happy with my 2 year commitment on my phone. It has everything I want/need.

Hmm...wonder how this applies to us who have had our data plans grandfathered in. I'd happily pay full price for a new phone if I can keep my data plan.

Another way to loose my sacred unlimited plan. Time to way options.

Isn't this the same thing as paying the ETF from before? Except this time you can't sell the phone and 'break even'.

Not sure about your sources on this one, this is from the page.

It's possible that I've heard worse pieces of career advice, but nothing stands out.

I'm actually right around the 75k range right now, and I live in a city with relatively low cost of living, but honestly in my situation, I could use a bit more. I'm a single homeowner with 2 cats, no student loans and my car is paid off. I make enough to live quite comfortably, but I still can't do everything I

I don't make crap now. Less than $30k. I have plenty of skills, but no papers showing "proof" of this because I had to pay rent and bills from the day I turned 18 (I turned 18 before graduating high school) so I had no way of going to school. I refuse to work my ass off full time to pay for life and school. I also

$125k for me. If I have a partner, combined we would need to make $225k. If we have children, tack on another $25k per child.