
Just remember guys, even on this “feminist” site, when woman cheats she is a whore, her lover is guilt free, nobody even mentions him, her husband even if he is asshole doesn’t deserve cheating. When man cheats everybody is at fault except him, he is a poor victim, his lover is a whore, and his wife deserved cheating

Is anybody except me totally DISGUSTED with vile misogynistic, extreme woman hating post about Angelina situation on Jezebel, which is “feminist” site. I really don’t know where to start. This same women will whine tomorrow about rape culture and about not holding men accountable, and not even once did they say that

If he was a women he would be the only one blamed. So he is the only one as a cheater to be blamed, women are told not to cheat even on abusive assholes, while men get approval to cheat from “feminist” masses from Jezebel when wife gains 0,0001 pounds.

Posting it publicly instead of sending it privately was a mistake. But he absolutely meant to send it to her. He claimed that sending an unsolicited dick pic to one of his constituents was a “joke” (her response, when the media stared hounded her, was basically, “I still don’t understand how that was supposed to be

YOU CAN NOT STEAL someone’s husband. To hear such misogynistic trash on feminist site, makes me go crazy, even the Daily Mail had better comments about situations. This is another big part of rape culture that is not going anywhere because even here woman who cheats is whore, but man who cheats is innocent victim who

YOU CAN NOT STEAL someone’s husband. To hear such misogynistic trash on feminist site, makes me go crazy, even the Daily Mail had better comments about situations. This is another big part of rape culture that is not going anywhere because even here woman who cheats is whore, but man who cheats is innocent victim who

Jennifer Aniston filed for divorce. Brad thought he could have both women, apparently. I don’t care for Brad Pitt. If there is anyone to “blame” in this mess, my money is on Brad.

See, to me that shows somewhat bad character on her part, but incredibly bad character on the part of the men she was with. Like, it’s one thing as a single person to sleep with a person who is in a relationship. It is so much worse to be the person who has made a commitment to one person and then run around behind

Yeah, dammit Angie, why’d you have to go and divorce someone just for being abusive to the kids.

Ehhh yeah it makes HIM look bad because you’re a reasonable person, but look at some of the comments from the previous Jezebel articles. They’re all--Brad is probably just a down to earth dad and Angelina is a manipulative control freak, etc.

Right, Brad consciously cheated. Brad filed for divorce from Jennifer.

That was a big part of my problem with him for the whole Jen/Ange thing, instead of just stating he was a grown man who made a decision to end his marriage because he fell out of love with one woman and in love with another, he just let the media have a free for all on two women who were/are important to him, and

This is probably a mostly false account.

Every single middle aged guy I know who started boozing too much and smoking too much weed has also turned into an a hole with anger issues. I was never a big angie fan but if this is the case I’m proud of her for leaving.

That article was written before this story broke. Say what you will about Jolie’s media/PR strategy, but I understand her desire to immediately divorce if he did abuse one or more of their kids. And the fact that she asked for sole physical custody is telling.

It doesn’t sound like this is the case. Some one else working on/around that plane saw what he did and reported it.

Good for Angelina and good for whoever reported him. No kid should have to deal with that BS, no matter how rich and powerful your parent is...

“he did not commit any abuse of his children” is interesting wording.

Marion can rest now that she’s no longer being targeted. I didn’t buy the affair tidbit, but this ...

When I was getting a divorce because my now-ex-husband went off the deep end with his verbal and emotional abuse, I read that a study showed that most mid-life divorces are initiated by the woman because the husband is “behaving badly” (their words). I was so impressed by this, I wrote it in my journal. Sounds like