
I love many of these dumb ‘American’ movies, but I totally understand where he’s coming from. It’s a valid argument he makes, and I don’t disagree in principle, but it’s one that will make sense to fewer and fewer people.

Got a bit of a LBP vibe.

Basically the same smears used against Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K.

Reggie is the #1 trending topic on twitter, Worldwide!

I want a Miyamoto biopic now.

Bad Robot produced the last 3 M:I movies.

1998 was a pretty astounding year for games.

It’s entitlement. The same attidude is all over videogames. Fans going batshit over puddles. Also movies, like fans calling for boycotts of future films that they’ve not seen, because one had too many women & PoC in it.

GamesMaster was spun off the gaming TV show from the 90s. Never read it but the Channel 4 show, presented by Dominik Diamond, was a classic.

Bring back Soul Blade!

Rascism and racist attitudes can be very subtle in the UK. Remember, they’ve been doing this longer than most other countries in the world.


A want a sequel to the Lara ‘Temple of Osiris’ game.

To be fair, I saw Sony do a motion control tech demo at ECTS (the UK’s version of E3, not long gone) with a ‘move’ style controller back in 2000 iirc.

I guess she needs preparation time before becoming the 14th Doctor. ;)

Yeah, a large number seem to have grown up with the prequels and TPM was their first SW movie experience in a cinema. They also think a marginal increase in representation is declaring war on white males.

After playing and completing BotW, it’s every other game I was playing, or  have started since, that I’ve walked away from. Nothing compares.

Chaplin goes down a treat with my screen-addicted kids. Especially Modern Times. Well worth trying. I think the visual humour really is timeless.

I think this is her. Lot of articles on the Freedom from Religion Foundation:

That was when the USA was arming them to fight the USSR and they were good guys. The film was even dedicated to them.