If I was a kid now they would all be Marvel movies (probably), but without spending too long thinking about it:
Star Wars
If I was a kid now they would all be Marvel movies (probably), but without spending too long thinking about it:
Star Wars
If Vita owners cancel their subscription to PS+ they will lose all those games, but what’s the point in keeping a subscription if there are going to be no more? Sony should let longtime PS3/Vita subscribers keep all the games. They’ve certainly paid for them by now.
It did also happen for a second (twice iirc) in Attack of the Clones when Jango Fett detonates his seismic charge in the asteroid field around Geonosis.
In a recent interview he said he sat down with JJ and the other writer to tell them where things are at, where he thinks they could lead in IX, but it’s all in JJ’s hands pretty much.
Iirc, John Williams composed the Star Wars theme in the same key as the Fox Anthem, so it would flow right into it. They belong together. I hope they bring it back for IX.
Oh, I checked. It’s 10 years!
Sooo, how long does EA have the Star Wars license for?
As far as I know, after the Cosby allegations, they stopped showing his TV show and (terrible) movies on TV. Will they do the same for Spacey/Dreyfuss/etc or movies made by Weinstein/Ratner and many more?
sends your display signal to a server farm in Alameda
Typical EA. Add it to the list. :(
Really don’t need F-bombs in Star Trek.
ABC also paid out at least $177 million to settle a defamation suit leveled by a beef processing company against its news division.
It’s like they saw how good RetroPi Attract Mode was and gave up on the VC.
It’s sad. If Muslims are painted as such a major threat all over the media this is inevitable. Especially in the many places where people never meet, see, let alone get to know someone who is Muslim.
Don’t ever change Kojima! :)
Thinking about, it’s kind weird, but I just ignore PC games if they’re not on Steam. Doesn’t make sense, but....
Was hoping they’d announce the single player ‘Uncharted’ style game’
Bah! I thought it was a Daredevil spin-off.