
Presumably this will happen to any game with Cyberpunk in the title too.

Funniest unintentional reference, also in Street Fighter (SF3 Third Strike iirc) and kinda religious, was a level set on a scaffold around the domes at the top of The Kremlin in Russia.

4 controller ports would be nice. Unlikely if they can sell a pricey multitap instead. I think the overall cost will be way more than the NES mini’s RRP.

Tbh, I’m not even that bothered about an official one anymore. The available HD Despecialised Edition and also the Silver Screen Edition of the first SW in HD are enough for me.

Tbh, I’m not even that bothered about an official one anymore. The available HD Despecialised Edition and also the

Surely there’ll be a 40th Anniversary collection this year too....

Surely there’ll be a 40th Anniversary collection this year too....

12.   Looking too Muslim

I can’t eat rice more than a day old or I feel sick and pass out for several hours.

So it belonged to an Iraqi Soldier?


I’ve bought the original Super Mario Bros. and Mario 3 at least 4 times now on various platforms, as well as other multiple purchases of many many classic Nintendo games. I’m kinda done now, which is very overdue considering this is their 7th console, or 3rd with downloadable classics. If they can’t get their online

As I’ve watched anti-Muslim prejudice enter the mainstream and become acceptable, slowly prejudice in general seems to be becoming so as well. Just my personal observations. You make one type of prejudice ok, you open the floodgates. Don’t know if anyone else has felt this.

FFG’s dungeon-crawl circle is now complete.

Same here. Still playing Twin Shadows while Return to Hoth is still unopened. Bespin Gambit is in stores now and FFG will no doubt annouce a new big-box expansion at Gen Con next week. Can’t keep up with 1 game.

That title is soooooo Kojima.

Was never impressed by the trailers so I can’t say I’m surprised, but I feel bad for Duncan Jones. He’s a talented Director.

Even before my kids turned 10 they grasped the fact that the LotR films were simplistic and inferior to the books.

This Finn knows how not to get ‘friend-zoned’.

Obi-Wan’s R4 unit had a round dome head, nothing like the R4 in your diagram. I think they just make this up as they go along. :)

Digital Downloads! The Cloud! It’s the futuuuure!