
I didn't need one until 1996 either.. but I was in high school then. So not sure how old this lady is.

I think you need to lighten up and not fixate on something small like this. Yeah, sure, it happens every time you stuff two guys in a cabinet. You know what's more? You're the first person I've heard talking or writing about this game that even brings this up. Other people are too busy telling me about these nifty

I don't know about you people, but my zombie go bag is full of antibiotics and other basic remedies, as well as food or the means of getting food. (this is, mind you, if the outbreak wasn't caused by some sort of antibiotic)

Would they really look at us in shame? I think you need to dig further. Parents have been buying the latest and greatest for their children/offspring/heirs for pretty much all of recorded history, and likely before.

This article is about anyone wanting to get into the trade willingly. Your little blurb here is talking more about exploitation, which isn't the subject matter of this article. So while you're vaguely on point, you're being annoyed at an ideal in your head, not what's written here.

Cortana's holding up her appearance at times to try and fight her Rampancy.

an image of an angel is an angel. DON'T BLINK

I'm pretty sure that if you can afford this as a luxury item purchase, you've got a life, and probably don't want to waste any of it on any machine that's below top notch.

For everyone else replying here.. Apple doesn't fail, Samsung doesn't fail. You folks that seem to think that one company is better than the other, fail. You buy the phone that fits your needs, including what you want it to look like, feel like in your hand, and do things for you. Doesn't matter which one you pick,

huh, shows how much of the article you even bothered to read before you decided to bash it as paid for tripe. He delineates all of the CODE changes that IE made to the internet and how it's used today.

Right, so, it's obvious that you're full of sarcasm here, but for the sake of posting.. HDMI is pass/fail tech. You either get 100% of the signal, or nothing, so cable quality doesn't matter.

Uhh.. the actual reveal from Halo Waypoint says that the controllers that come with the console bundle can also be bought separately. The SAME controllers, not ones that are different.