
I honestly had forgot that The Vulture existed and briefly thought that this was suddenly a crossover with 30 Rock.

No way Tywin would allow that for a valyrian steel sword. They are a status symbol, and he wanted for years to have one for House Lannister.

Ice was valyrian steel. Tywin had it melted and made two swords: Widow's Wail for Joffrey (I assume now in the hands of Tommen) and Oathkeeper for Jaime (now with Brienne). I don't think they mentioned another valyrian steel weapon.

Stannis doesn't recognize the House Baratheon that sits in the Iron Throne on the grounds that they are no true heirs of Robert, in the same way they don't recognize him because he's a 'traitor'. He's actually right, so there are not truly 'regular Baratheons' other than Stannis, but I take that for you that's not the

Probably the fact that the charges against Cersei could hurt him badly. Lancel is confirming that she had incestuous relationships with him. That means the High Sparrow would start to pay attention to the rumours of Joffrey/Tommen/Myrcella being bastards. If Tommen elevates the tension, they might declare him a

IF a Baratheon is in Storm's End, it would be a very distant cousin, far lower in the succesion than Stannis, and only holding Storm's End as a representative for Tommen. It's most likely currently held by a castellan appointed by the Crown, someone of noble birth from a family with ties with House Baratheon (a

He has the goldcloacks (the City Watch).

A fitting class for Greendale.

Roger has a heart attack in the series finale and Don suddenly is alone as the only one of the 'old guard'? (where was Cutler? Is he gone? He was an ok antagonist)

Jerry Minor was ok, but Fey's delivery was weird and distracting. She was like those celebrity cameos that barely act because their sole presence is enough to get people to applaud.

It's weird because you'd think that a priest would at least attract some attention. It'd be weird not to find any religious person in Alexandria.

He'd kill off Glenn first. Once we get over it, he'd kill Maggie.

They count as two, otherwise the studio is unilaterally altering the contract. Before that kind of announcements, they have to renegotiate the contracts. That's why Evans, Hemsworth and Stark are, according to rumours, sitting out Infinity War 1. Marvel is saving the last film in their contracts for the last chapter

Not really, because original Thor is dead or something. Would be possible (though not likely) if Civil War came out after Ragnarok, but it's not the case.

They probably "kill him off" so he sits out Infinity War 1 and comes back for the grand finale. He still has an Avenger movie on his contract after Civil War.

In all fairness, it's actually a good comic described in the worst way possible.

I still don't buy Monaghan is the Joker. So obvious. The introduction was as underwhelming as it could get. I hope he's a red herring.

If I had to guess, I'd say his first victim will be someone who is overshadowing him. He's already being ignored despite being clearly smarter than his coworkers. Of course, I don't think Gotham would kill off Thompkins like that, or that they even have a plan for Nygma yet. Just some thought.

The new telekinetic powers she displays in All-New X-Men could be an interesting new twist to make her powers more visually interesting. Sadly, Singer has only managed to become competent with fight scenes, and while I liked his X-Men films, he lacks the visual imagination to truly make the team come to life. I liked

Morrison (New X-Men) and Whedon (Astonishing X-Men) write him pretty well, and start the path he's on right now. I lost track after that time (I just read the tpb for the Hope trilogy), but the writing seemed to follow that path organically. The current Cyclops is as interesting as he's ever been.