
He's actually a combination of Charles and Magneto. And I love that. It's been established that the world has become too chaotic and presently, Charles' original vision is not working, so Cyke is leading the charge to survive and to make sure the future mutants have a ground where to start building a good future.

Well, Charles IS an asshole. If they keep putting him on the forefront, we'll eventually get to that.

I don't think she could've pulled off the ego. Emma thinks herself better than anyone else and she shows it with every word and gesture.

I wouldn't say he was borderline villain in those runs. In Morrison's he was fucked up and with problems with Jean but not much more, and Whedon actually started the reconstruction proccess after the Apocalypse-posession and Jean-almost-divorce-but-not-really-because-she-died. He became more assertive and assured.

I think the point about Cyclops is that he's repressed, he's fucked up, but he tries. He'll always be kind of a dick, but he's shown improvement and he's always trying to be better. He's really become an amazing character. I don't read much FF, but from my point of view, Reed never seemed to change much.

I think we are two or three X-Men films from them introducing clones. We got time travel already…

Thor 2 bore me to no end, but I'll probably go see Thor 3 since it's Ragnarok time. But I'm being more selective with other blockbusters. I did go to see Hobbit 1 & 2. There's no way in hell I'll pay a ticket to see a terrible film just because I've seen the previous ones.

I assumed Havok was spared because they planned to make him the father of Cyclops, but nothing's been announced about him reappearing so I don't know.

They were close in the earlier issues, since they were the 'funny ones', but other than that… And honestly I can't remember a lot of important stuff with Bobby in the last years. He's just kind of… there.

Almost forgot about that. So Barbara's parents will be partially responsible for the Wayne's murder. Could be interesting and a way to sort of make Barbara relevant. She still sucks though.

Totally agree on that! Johansson is clearly an exception.


Maybe, but really, I never saw Bobby and Warren having such interesting relationships with the other O5. Scott and Beast on the other side have an important friendship that now has gone south, and Scott and Jean have all their relationship-issues. Those three are the ones that really matter and must be in the

Under The Skin cancels out like three or four superhero movies. Very interesting and unusual movie.

Yeah, the ending of DOFP made sense to close the emotional arc of Wolverine and put an end to the 'original trilogy', but it was a missed oportunity to present branching timelines just like the comic book. Having Wolverine come back to the same apocalyptic future would have been way too dark and would leave his arc

Marsden was good when the script didn't turn him into "Jean's boring boyfriend who is way less awesome than Wolverine who rocks, amirite?". He had a few moments in X1 with Charles that were nice, and some of his scenes with Jackman really did capture the classic antagonistic dynamic those two always had.

I always thought she would be a 1-season villain. Plots to take over Falcone and fucks over Penguin. We know they both make it to the Batman-era so there aren't many chances that she'll succeed.

To make us like the slightly less shitty characters more.

I'm hoping they are crazy supervillains. They seem creepy, but I hope they take it further.

There's 12 episodes left. Give it time.