
I found it on par with the latest season, a mediocre-to-bad episode. This tried too hard to have an Arrested Development/How I Met Your Mother vibe (with the editing and the jumping back and forward in time), but didn't really succeed.

Justice League: War was terrible, so I'm not particularly hopeful.

Yeah, it felt like a lot of scenes were missing. Given that we saw Beth try to take care of her, having them not even exchange one line was a poor choice.

The show is so popular that I think they will ride it indefinitely. The only problem are the actors' contracts, but they have a cast large enough now that they could conceivably start killing off relevant main characters (more important than Beth and Bob) and continue without huge ratings losses. Unless they kill off

Well, they had an agreement and Bob decided to do his own thing. Maybe from his perspective that was logical, but Rick sees himself as the good guy, and he's not very prone to giving second chances these days.

I actually enjoyed this season. I was ready to give up on the show but it really got better.

Writers: "And now she accidentally kills Beth! Pretty shocking right?"
Everyone else: "But they all put down their weapons a second ago…"
Writers: "Make it work!"

I didn't like the mechanichs of Beth's death. She grabbed the scissors and attacked and suddenly Dawn had her weapon out and pointing at her head so she accidentally shoot her? I got what they were going for but the editing was weird.

Those dutch angles were way too obvious and annoying.

They are playing up the conspiracy angle, and all the talk about 'the people who truly run this city' from Lovecraft made me think that it was something above 'mob-level'. So a version of The Court of Owls will be involved, I suppose.

Yeah, but then again, Man of Steel was also pretty self-contained.

Yeah, DC comics isn't doing WB any favors.

He didn't write it. According to most reports, Goyer showed up with a pitch, Nolan thought it would be cool, and helped Goyer pitch it to the studio, and attached his name to get the ball rolling. He didn't have much power (or interest) in the production (he suggested NOT killing Zod and was ignored).

Those are good points, but they don't bother me. Honestly, after the end of Brody's storyline, this season felt like a soft reboot. I mean, I barely remember the hearings and all that stuff, and it's not like I wasn't paying attention to it. Probably a combination of time and that those events weren't that compelling.

I think it's a good season, but Homeland's previous seasons are hard to evaluate as whole units, at least for me (with the exception of season 1).

I'm actually enjoying the season, but I always had a soft spot for Homeland anyways. As long as it doesn't go full 24, it'll be alright for me, I guess.

Weirdly, I'd be on board with a Homeland that suddenly revived Brody, because that would be an apparently 'normal' show where crazy insane shit can happen anyways.

The spirit vine energy is his version of the arc reactor. He only needs to control it and build himself and Varrick-Man suit.

Actually they said in the announcement that they had solo films for Superman and Batman on development fot the 2016-2020 period but without a date yet.

Most of the villains we had until now could work without Batman. Maybe they'd be less theatrical, but still. Cobblepot is a mobster, Kyle is a burglar, Zsaz is a killer. The only one who is more defined by Batman is Nygma maybe, but he isn't that far down the road yet. They'll most likely play up the "Smart guy who