
It's the show saying "Look, we both know Gordon won't die, but he thinks he is and acting accordingly, so this shit is serious for him anyways, please be invested in this a little bit".

This Alfred is most likely based on the Earth One graphic novels version. That Alfred is a military man, and kind of an asshole. I guess they went for 'badass Alfred' but they did it very poorly.

Also, we never had a live action Oswald so close to the source material right? I'm thinking about the mobster angle. I'm no expert in the character, but Burton's version was very far from that if I recall correctly.

David Morrisey was Main Cast in Season 4 for just 4 episodes. Anyways, I meant that she'll come back by episode 3 or 4 and reunite with the others (or midseason at most), not that she'll only appear in 1 or 2 episodes. Poor wording on my part.

Good call. I actually though very briefly about that but I forgot when the conveniently-marked-car showed up.

Bob's Burgers!!

Spoilers! (?)

D'angelo seems to have his days counted.

My hope to have no Beth at all and have her return in season 10 as the leader of a powerful and highly trained group has been destroyed. She'll probably show up in an episode or two (also, what's up with Carol and Daryl just hanging out in the woods at night? Wouldn't Rick want everybody to be accounted for?)

I thought it was just about getting an injury in contact with a corpse filled with germs and bacteria, creating a traditional infection that kills you because there isn't a good healtcare system in a postapocalyptic world (?)

I am a cruel man.

Battery charger?

But by being bitten he's dying (fever, all that stuff) so it certainly has an effect. His body being sick, wouldn't that be enough to kill the cannibals who eat him? (I have not read the comics, just speculating here)

It seemed that way. I don't mind spoilers, what moment are you talking about?

I totally thought that he was bitten. He was acting like a man about to commit suicide. But now the question is: did the Terminus crew save his life by cutting the infected limb? Was it too late? Will they die of Bob poisoning? (my personal favourite)

I get that, but on the other side, having the amazons descended from the kryptonians makes the world smaller. Batman is a mortal hero, and Superman brings the sci fi angle. Making WW come from a mythic background is a cool idea if they sell it. Plus, they need magic somewhere if they want Superman to be vulnerable to

Or he asks them to join them and they tell him to go fuck himself (?)

X-Men Origins: Doop is the movie we need and deserve.

NPH talking about his amenities was Barney Stinson trying to impress a girl. All it lacked was the laugh track.