
The magical school system is really broken.


He's the only one to 'get' what it means to be king and the responsabilities that ruling brings. He said before, he didn't particularly 'want' to be the King, but it was his duty, and he's the only one of the claimants to the Iron Throne who actually gives a shit about defending the realm instead of just wanting the

But Varys going with Tyrion seemed to be a decision made in the moment, unlike the books where it is planned with Ilyrio. Unless he decides that on the first episode. It could work…

Her behaviour goes against the expected reaction to her rape, but for the writers and directors, the scene wasn't rape, so her behaviour is consistent. Weird situation.


Dorne was truly annexed 200 years after Aegon's conquest. Plus, during the Targaryen reign they had the uprising of the Faith Militant, the Dance of the Dragons, the Conquest of Dorne, the Blackfyre Rebellion, the Second Blackfyre Rebellion, The War of the Ninepenny Kings, the Defiance of Duskendale and Robert's

I think she lost too much. She holds to her identity because that's what keeps her quest of revenge. "No one" doesn't want to have revenge on anybody. So when she's done with that, she'll truly be "no one".

He doesn't really, but to the people think he does. He won't gain the trust of most of Westeros like that. I'm a fan of Stannis, but he'll never get to truly rule. I just hope he has a good death, working towards saving the realm he fought so hard for.

I don't think Arya will die. But she'll stop being the Arya we actually like. She's losing herself, and once she completes her list, she'll have nothing else in her life. That's the ending I see for her. An assassin without nothing really important to live for.

Also, I'm betting on Aegon sitting on the throne for a little while. Stannis may too, but he's way too far and time's running out. Neither will last.

I don't think there'll be a throne at all. If A Song of Ice and Fire has taught us anything, is that Westeros is impossible to truly unify.

He was the third son, far in the succession line. So he became a maester. His older brothers died and he was offered the kingship but refused in favour of his younger brother Aegon. Then he took the black in order to avoid being used as an excuse for a civil war. By all accounts Aegon was a great king. It was his

I think the wildlings would probably freak out and attack Ghost. No reason to make them nervous before he gets to Mance. Also, Ghost would probably get killed.

In the tv show, I think he's the Mad King's uncle. They deleted Jaeherys from the story, so Aerys is Egg's son. Or so I heard.

I wasn't suggesting that.

Well, I think this episode was ok and on par with Blackwater, but I never thought Blackwater was that great to begin with…

They probably wanted to avoid the 'unexpected army saves the day' ending that they already used in Blackwater. But I'm not sure the alternative was better.

They usually are added value, but Marvel Studios' new strategy is annoying. Both Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier had mid-credits scenes that teased the following movies of the saga (which is great), but then had ANOTHER scene at the very end of the credits more related to the movie you

Yeah, but we had to suffer through Iron Man 2, aka "Marvel Studios' Meet SHIELD!!! And how cool is RDJ, amiright?!"