
Well, SHIELD is fine but I always thought SWORD and HAMMER were pretty dumb. But at least the character's themselves have ocassionally joked about those two acronyms.

I don't think Fox would let him do press even if he wanted to. If he's innocent it really sucks, since he really should be enjoying the attention for his biggest film ever. We'll see what happens.

Well, Cap did underperform other Marvel films internationally. 'The Avengers Effect' changed that from the sequel. "Cap was standing next to Iron Man! He must be cool!"
In some alternate universe Marvel didn't cast RDJ and is probably already broke, The Sinister Six aren't happening, Days of Future Past has half its

Releasing a space-opera is financially risky, not creatively.

This gets repeated a lot but come on, a gun-toting raccoon, while awesome, isn't some really crazy out-of-the-box idea that has never been brought to life before. Chewbacca is a hairy sort-of-animal sidekick with weapons and has existed since 1977. The difference is that now we can get different animals thanks to

That kind of nullifies the whole 'persecuted race' angle of the comics. Why would sentinels exist if the mutants aren't public? It's a complicated change that limits a lot. That's the issue with big continuities. They can restrict individual series…

Part of this probably was (in the case of Spider-Man) reintroducing the character with a new actor. But since movie continuities are getting more complex, that will no longer be an option. If Sony, once Garfield ends his run, decides to reboot the franchise, they'll probably fail hard. Recast Peter or introduce a

Yeah, X-Men stories have way too much time travel and alternative timelines. They are best in their own universe. Plus, the theme of 'persecution of mutants' loses a lot of strenght in a world where other superheroes are loved and the X-Men hated.


Tecnically, I think Cersei would be Queen Regent until Joffrey comes of age. But since he's getting married (and act that kind of makes him an 'adult') she's also becoming the Queen Mother, with Margaery the new Queen.

Well, the Baratheon line actually won the throne by right of conquest, the same way Aegon created it. And I don't remember if the show ever addressed this, but Robert, Stannis and Renly are actually cousins of Daenerys, which is how he legitimized even more his taking of the throne. They actually have Targaryen blood,

I think it has been around 3 years. The series starts on 298 and Storms of Swords ends a little bit after the beginning of the year 300. The chronology gets a little complicated there as initial chapters of Feast and Dance overlap with Storm (and Dany's chapters are not a good reference since they are sometimes out of

I can't help but think that part of the reason they created this episode was to put that pairing to rest.

1) Drumroll, Please
2) Lucky Penny
3) How I Met Everyone Else
4) Intervention
5) Jenkins
6) Natural History
7) Ducky Tie
8) The Time Travelers
9) Sunrise

Yeah, at least Singer's Quicksilver has an excuse. He is a dumb teenager. In the 70s. He never had a chance.

Yeah, that was great. They never get that kind of spotlight in the comics either. Charles has been useless for a while. Or portrayed as a villain (or "dude who did terrible things and felt bad but didn't fix them").

Well, Ellen Page was the only one who was cast without Singer involved as a director or producer.

I don't mind actually. Singer's Kitty is very different from comics' Kitty (which is an amazing character) and I don't find her as interesting. On the other side, I really enjoy his take on Charles, Erik and Logan, so that's fine with me. Which is saying something, since I don't like Wolverine that much.

I think she's ok in Girls, but it's a character written by her and based on herself, so no surprise there. I don't know if she'd be any good in other roles. Wasn't she fired from a show on her first day because she was terrible? I think I read that somewhere.