
Sheldon: "Look, Darth Vader's theme, the Imperial March, composed by John Williams in 1977 for the movie Star Wars!"
Penny: "John who? What's Star Wars?"

I really don't understand why Fox wouldn't try to get him under contract before pilot season. He really energizes the show. Season 3 started really weak, but it has been improving, and I think his presence is one of the main reasons.

Strong Belwas is just a colorful character. But yeah, I don't like the lack of wolves. They had such a strong connection in the books, while in the show they are an afterthought. I mean, when was the last time we saw Ghost? S03 premiere?

No it's not. The tv show is great, and in some specific aspects better, but the intricate plotting of the books and the amazing characterization hasn't translated to the screen as well. I don't know if it could be done, though, considering the difference in the mediums.

While it wasn't a great idea, it wasn't terrible either. Reading Feast and Dance at the same time means you have 200 pages between chapters from the same character. Kills a lot of momentum. The problem is he has a lot of storylines going. He needs an editor able to tell him "no".

Fullmetal Alchemist. The first anime's ending was ok. The manga was far better though, and the second -more faithful- adaptation proved it.

A lot of character arcs play differently and have a lot of additional subplots in the books. I think Benioff and Weiss should craft their own ending, since more and more the adaptation is becoming its own thing.

I wanted to think that too, but The Mother seemed like she was about to cry after saying the line about a mother not being in her daughter's wedding. Why would she cry about Ted's mom (or her own) not being in their wedding, almost ten years earlier? I really hope it's just misdirection, but right now it all points to

According to people who read Hamm's script, Gilliam's Watchmen would
have been a disaster, although with some interesting stuff. To be
honest, I don't think Gilliam's idea was a good fit for Watchmen. Snyder
may lack subtetly, but he kind of followed the
general idea of the comic and made the story work (it obviously

I actually thought 7 was the weakest. The Kevin and Nora plots didn't work that well for me. 8 at least gained a little bit of focus, and The Time Travelers was outstanding.

I read somewhere in this site that she's in a new pilot.

Yeah, for a brief moment Wilson started appearing everywhere after this film. But then Super Fun Night was shit (I've been told; never seen it) and she started to dissapear in the background. Kendrick is doing great career-wise. When I heard they were planning a sequel I thought she wouldn't return.

People who like Anna Kendrick, mostly. That's how they got me, but the film is actually pretty fun, and I have a weak spot for lame acapella arrangements. I'm not sure it needed a sequel though.

100% agreed. Clara has potential, I hope she's handled better than Amy.

Tyrion chapters are terrible, and so are the first five or six Dany chapters too. The book's second half, however, is excellent, and the cliffhangers really annoyed me. They obviously released it in 2011 because of the show. Had they waited a little longer, Martin might have delivered a more complete book. Now we have

Big Bang would probably get more respect if it had better scripts.

Same. I still have a good time with Parks, but I really want it to end now. It will only go downhill from here. Community regained my interest this season, but I think it's time to end too. One more season would be cool, though.

I burned through Tennant's seasons. When I arrived to the Smith/Moffat era, I was excited, but that only lasted me through their first series. Moffat's long term arcs are unnecesarily contrived, and they are always resolved in similar ways, so it got me tired quickly. It took me a lot of effort to finish Smith's last

According to stuff Sam reads, they are weak against fire and dragonglass (obsidian), and there's also a brief mention of some ancient hero facing them with a sword made of 'dragon steel' (likely an ancient name for valyrian steel).
Dragonglass and valyrian steel have no special effect against wights though.

That was a wight. A wight is a reanimated corpse (human, animal). White Walkers are the ones that appeared in the season 2 finale; another species entirely.