
It's funny, we cheer when we think that Arya might get her revenge and how 'badass' she's becoming. But it's a fundamentally sad character development. Poor kid.

The problem is that he ended the war by making sure that there will be another. The Starks were beloved rulers for eight thousand years. Ned was respected, and he died. His son wanted to get freedom for his people from a king who was irrational, and he died. Most of his noble followers died, and with them their

Ultron will take control of the War Machine/Iron Patriot armor and attack someone who doesn't expect it, kind of like in Iron Man 3. Rhodey will then be on the command center talking with Tony and filling in for JARVIS, since that AI will probably be controled by Ultron as well.

Cool. Care to elaborate? That's what comment sections were created for.

Had Alex had this absorbing power from the start, he could have been two seasons fucking around and absorbing powers. Then someone could have given him ecstasy and thrown him to the heart of the island, turning him into Lost's black smoke. Boom! There you have the origin for the storm. That would've been better than

I thought this was an ok season, but all that made this episode a standout for Rowan made it terrible for me. I think they went too far with reutilizing ideas and the episode felt like a weird mix of stuff that kind of worked before, coupled with antagonists that didn't really matter (and who were way too different

So I just read the site and I'm inclined to believe Magneto. The article strongly implies Mystique was the killer (which I don't entirely buy, but I can buy that Magneto thinks it was her), and interestingly it's written in a different 'present' than the one portrayed in the original X-Men trilogy.

I just watched the tag. Cool reference to Dollhouse, I'm sure it's there just to mess with us.
I haven't seen the episode. I'm in no mood to watch a D+ right now.

Ted's plot was fun, Marshall's was unfunny as usual and Barney's had its moments (the musical number was great) but kind of insane. I thought we might see Barney's half-sister tonight, but maybe she won't appear at all.

I hadn't though of that. Makes sense from a business stand point then.

I think that was a poor decision. Why the rush?
Also, since they are popular features, why wouldn't they be part of the core functionality that the team has to develop before launch?

Yeah, but my point is that the profile of the AV Club site seems to not exist anymore. I can understand on some level the reasoning behind deleting it in favor of letting Disqus' platform handle all the comments stuff, but I never found Disqus' interface to be a very friendly one. I had to check in the comments

My main problems with the new design:

This was the first episode of the season that I actually liked. And I liked it a lot. I hope the following episodes are as good.

What bothers me most about this shitty idea isn't the unnecesary spin-off (I simply wouldn't watch it) but the idea of devoting time of the SERIES FINALE to a couple of new characters just to milk the franchise a little bit more. I hope it crashes and burns. The only way I would accept it is if it was centered around


Live-action rights to the X-Men and Spider-Man are still with Fox and Sony. They can't show up in this. Only in animation.

Why not? Superman has lived among humans and learned from them for years. Humans sometimes have to make impossible choices, so why not put their greatest hero to that same situation? If you never want to see Superman confronted with this issues, then you are not interested in Superman as a character, you are

It's been established a few episodes back that she is in fact dating someone when she meets Ted, something that will surely be part of next season's first couple of episodes.

He actually went to law school and passed the bar. He only faked his bachelor's degree.