
From Left to Right: Melisandre, Stannis, Theon, Tyrion, Robb, Sansa, Jon, Dany, Joffrey, Loras, Renly, Margaery

Weak episode. Not terrible and not the worst of the show by any means, but it felt like something was off.

Unlike Erik, I never found this season very strong, but this episode was definitely great.

Who doesn't miss redheaded Anna Torv?

Who doesn't miss redheaded Anna Torv?

He called him 'dad' before finding out he was from the other universe. I think it was in 'The Man from the Other Side'.

He called him 'dad' before finding out he was from the other universe. I think it was in 'The Man from the Other Side'.

Agreed, it was an amazing little piece.
They should release the score of the show. But if i'm not mistaken that's unusual (they released Lost's, but hey, Lost used to be a big deal in… 2010?)

Agreed, it was an amazing little piece.
They should release the score of the show. But if i'm not mistaken that's unusual (they released Lost's, but hey, Lost used to be a big deal in… 2010?)

The current portrayal of Andy is starting to really annoy me. He was always kind of selfish, but now he is completely unlikable. His dismissive attitude towards Erin came out of the blue, just because back when they were writing the season they probably had to find a way to keep Erin in the retooled show (had it

The current portrayal of Andy is starting to really annoy me. He was always kind of selfish, but now he is completely unlikable. His dismissive attitude towards Erin came out of the blue, just because back when they were writing the season they probably had to find a way to keep Erin in the retooled show (had it

Nice seeing Broyles again. I almost forgot he was still alive (also, where's Nina?)
Even though Etta was in just five episodes I really liked her character and her dinamic with Peter, so I'm sad to see her go.

Nice seeing Broyles again. I almost forgot he was still alive (also, where's Nina?)
Even though Etta was in just five episodes I really liked her character and her dinamic with Peter, so I'm sad to see her go.