Every time a conservative complains about liberals needing safe spaces, aren’t they really just asking for one themselves? Schilling wants a place where he can be immune from criticism and differing opinions, and tries to shut out people who disagree. Isn’t that exactly what he thinks a safe space is?
I mean, no, I didn’t think of terrorism. Aren’t all our public transportation systems in, you know, a terrible state of disrepair? Because some people think paying taxes is bad?
I can honestly say, as a horrible liberal douchebag, that I didn’t once think this could possibly be terrorism until he brought it up.
About to walk in my meeting tomorrow and be like “I PROJECT RECORD GROWTH FOR Q4!”
If you didn’t think that, at any point, you’re a liar.
This fuckface is trying so hard to ruin 2004 for me.
God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
This is a really good point. There’s no reason they can’t stagger the games a little more. The absolute worst is that ever since the study came out showing that west coast teams play poorly in the early games, every game featuring a road west coast team gets schedule for the early block so that the afternoon block is…
The dog whistle is starting to get pretty fucking loud.
I do not watch the NFL, but I will gleefully read every article about how fucked up and stupid the NFL is.*
It’s too bad those poll respondents are liars, because this protest could have one hell of an impact if the players could actually threaten 44 percent of the NFL’s audience simply by kneeling. They’d finally have some actual leverage over the league.
“I don’t spend my free time watching the NFL, just clicking on, reading, and commenting on a sports blog’s articles about not watching the NFL.”
There are better reasons to stop watching the NFL than this non-issue. Why can I watch every bullshit college football game on Saturday but on Sunday I either have to pay a ton or watch the 1 or 2 games my local channels pick.
I didn’t boycott when it enabled wife and child beaters, murderers, scammed cities out of millions, and paid no heed to head injuries for decades, but you better be sure I will boycott when someone doesn’t respect our iconography!
Lots of NFL fans are racist, news at 11.
that sounds like something Pittsburgh would do without your help
It’s like taking Simms off the air would be an acknowledgement that CTE is real.