
Have you watched the Chappelle bit, or just read the AVC’s recap of it, which actively misconstrues one of his statements, which was, LITERALLY, that the fact that a whole lot of Jewish people are involved in show biz doesn’t actually mean they “control it” any more than black folks control Ferguson, MI.

Alan Moore is basically a conservative egoist, but simply, he not politically conservative... he’s comically conservative and politically liberal. He’s has always been a force to refuse change, to which he offers know-nothing critiques, like saying that superhero movies “have blighted cinema, and also blighted

It’s unfortunate the usual “cranky old Alan Moore” narrative is used here by supposed pop culture enthusiasts when Moore, regardless of your opinion of him or not, was purposely lied to and misled about the publishing rights of his work reverting to him after five years by the corporate owners of DC Comics. I don’t

Moore’s comments would deserve a great deal of respect, except that there’s one consistent feature of all these “Alan Moore condemns adaptations of his work” stories: he’s always insisted he doesn’t watch any of the adaptations (and I’m pretty sure he’s also claimed never to have watched any of the comic book movies

Remember the “Information Superhighway”?

They fly out every time Pinhead sneezes, and turn whoever they strike into another Pinhead.

Kind of reminds me of when Kids In The Hall was on. SNL was actually doing pretty well at the time. But to see the two show next to each other really exposes the hackiness of even the best SNL stuff.

The second one, yeah. A lot of charismatic Christians believe pretty fervently in demon possession and influence and they think that practicing something that is at all related to another religion can give demons a foothold. I was cautioned against any form or meditation as a kid. Clearing your mind of anything else

First thing I thought of as. I read this. Also led to some spin-off adventures in comic form by the mighty Brian K. Vaughan.

That book contains one of the most evocative phrases alluding to an off-screen sex act I’ve ever read; when I first encountered it as a wide-eyed naif I had to turn it over in my head a few times to grapple with the implications.

Neither would have written this article.

Yeah, well, if Titanic gets referenced so much why aren’t they making a sequel to it?

Don’t they end up fucking dragons (were they flying dragons? I’m going to call them dragons)  to get them to fly? I don’t mean to be overly crude, but tangling hair does seem to be how they express intimacy, and it’s also how they get the damn dragons to give them a ride. So it’s like Dances With Wolves, but if the

The entire police procedural genre wore out its welcome by the 1970s, and yet there are still a dozen new ones each year. I think sub-par MCU is like sub-par pizza - hey, it’s still pizza.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

Don’t be fooled, he’s feeding off you!

From what I’ve read the likelihood of a birth defect-level problem is still very small with first cousins.  There may be some people around here with actual education on the subject who can weigh in, but it’s mostly a legal and ewwww-based moral taboo in the U.S.

Considering how shallow the waters are the world over “cousins” really isn’t a good safety metric anymore. A good blood test checking for the top ten common debilitating recessives is safer than checking where they are on the family tree.

Different cultures also attach different levels of relatedness to aunts, uncles, and cousins depending on which side of your family they’re on, so in some places it’s okay to marry one first cousin (the way we generally reckon it in the English-speaking world), but not okay to marry another.

But I have all this goat cheese!