It is a post-apocalyptic really big train. A balcony is not so crazy given the whole concept.
Acid doesn’t go bad over time. My friend gave me acid on Smarties for my birthday one year, kept it in the freezer for a couple years and it was still acid when I ate it.
Yeah, Mr. Show was a lot more biting; and that probably mostly was Cross. His impression of James Lipton was very much making fun of ‘a failed actor’ than it was a silly riff on pop culture like Will Ferrel’s.
Do we really need three different TV projects about a bunch of terrible people?
You beat me to it. Forget how awful the people in the show are, the show itself is gross distortion and exploitation of real people. I get that it’s pulpy and entertaining. I was entertained myself through most of it. But when it was over I also felt dirty and uncomfortable. The whole thing is gross.
I think that’s fair.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Oh, you want some old-school Bollywood psych-funk?
Well, why do you think they call it the Dark Ages?!? It’s the shadows, duh!
Bang & Olufsen. A luxury electronics brand.
No,no, no,no,no,no, they want their employees to ask law enforcement if they’d be willing to trade in their phones for store credit.
“I don’t even own a bottle of Purell!”
He’s also been the front-runner for the Hugo Award two years running.
Can we just go back to talking about Jar-Jar?
But was it funny?
I follow his instagram and....disagree with this take. He’s almost alarmingly good-looking. I also am a full “he’s obviously Sinatra’s son” weirdo even though I think that’s been debunked because seriously, just LOOK at him! It seems impossible that he’s NOT Sinatra’s son. Not that it matters. I’ll see myself out.
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