Whether ye be Fancy Kristen or just the Goddamn Awesome Kristen that we loved as well, you helped define Jalopnik these last few years and will be dearly missed.
Whether ye be Fancy Kristen or just the Goddamn Awesome Kristen that we loved as well, you helped define Jalopnik these last few years and will be dearly missed.
C’mon folks. If you can’t fix it with a ham^H^H^Hshovel, it’s an electrical problem.
A HANS or NecksGen head restraint is a must, but unless you have a brand-new team, you can likely share with teammates as long as you all have the same type of anchors on your helmet. The rest of the gear varies slightly by series, but generally you’ll need a SA2015 Helmet & head restraint, plus an SFI-rated suit,…
+1 - many teams seek to fill rosters with “Arrive & Drive’s” before an event - check the Champ/LeMons/LuckyDog forums if this sounds like a great way to dip a toe.
I’ve raced a 242 for years (the AquaVolvo of LeMons fame) - it’s a great little car who’s helped us take home a few trophies. They’re down on power with the stock B2x motors, but that can be fixed when your domination blows a hole in the block. They’re heavy but very capable handlers when set up well. There’s nothing…
Nice! That bed provides a handy spot to store your welder & frame rail repair kit.
Oh, this is an easy one...but I did it to someone else’s car.
I just want y’all to know that I started a really witty comment about real-time arrival predictions, live bus maps, and even apps for teh millenials...then realized that I was defending MUNI. So, I slapped myself in the face and deleted the whole thing. Livin’ la vida gris over here.
Your first sentence was, “Rode the #31 last night.” Then you proceeded to repeat yourself for four lines.
Bro do you even Kodo? Mazda 3 CPO. Not RWD, but carries tons of stuff, available with a sublime manual, nicer interior than many cars available for $15k (leather + date = #winning), and says classy better than Torch’s inevitable WTFmobile.
Epic. As the guy who bought *that* manual CTS-Vagon from BaT several weeks ago, I can absolutely understand her reaction. I knew it was coming for weeks, but still giggled like a toddler when I first saw it in person. In a summer that’s been full of pain (literally) from a major motorcycle accident, the arrival of the…
The Corkscrew is at Laguna, McRaikkonen.
My dad had a '69 1750 GTV in a hideous orangish puke color (Positan0?) It was ugly, but he'd torn out the awful truck FI for a set of Holley downdrafts, replaced the shocks w/ cut Gabriel Red Riders from K-Mart, and routinely whupped on 911s in any rally he entered. To this day, I credit him and that car with my…