
His name is Jason Pierre Paw.

I’m this guy

It’s still hacking, but you haven’t even got the fundamentals of the situation correct.

We aren’t going to buy your false equivalences anymore. You are insulting our intelligence.

Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Republicans may not all be active racists, bigots, and white nationalists, but they don’t see any of those as being disqualifications for being part of the republican coalition or for being part of this administration. In the reality of trumps 2017 there is not a lot of

Setting aside how I feel about the fiscal policies of the Republican party, I’m allowed to decide that holding her nose on the enabling and outright encouragement of bigotry, not to mention playing footsie with outright white supremacists, for the sake of promoting her preferred fiscal policies, suggests that her

Proof to me is whether or not Trump is behaving like a person who has been compromised by Russian intelligence or whether he is acting like a reasonable person in regard to Russia and policies that effect Russia.

Team couldn’t talk him out of it.

I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong

I can see you

2 things:

You can only hold empty “he had giant biceps, he must’ve been juicing” allegations against an otherwise Hall of Famer for so long. Career .297/.408/.540/.948, 449 HRs (played in his prime in the Astrodome, which is no Minute Maid), 209 SBs, 9 seasons of 100+ runs and 30+ HRs, and despite his reputation, was very

Although it’s unlikely, I’m still hoping Obama’s last pardon will go to Jack Johnson. It would be so meaningful coming from a President who is the child of an interracial relationship.

I also think a court would never rule on this a as a matter of public policy. Say student wins and the precedent is set, what is to stop a school from suing a 5* recruit who backs out on signing day. The school might not win but it could sure as hell scare a ton of recruits out of last minute flip-flopping.

Wake up, Lebron. Wake up. 😢

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

When I was in elementary school (everybody wore baby blue on Fridays and the Oilers’ fight song was played over the intercome), this was the Dome atmosphere; imagine the work that went into the ‘(Earl) Campbell’s Soup: Cream of Bradshaw’ sign. Contrast that with the 20 or so people who showed up in downtown Houston

This was also the story of the Oilers’ last year before the Tennessee move, I guess at least we’d won a few AFL Championships before our spectacular 90s playoff flame-outs (remember, Buffalo was only the second of three straight playoff double-digit leads blown). By that time, Budward Adams had threatened to vacate

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.