
This car is so sexy I want to text it awkwardly for a few days before driving around with it for like 30 minutes deciding on where to eat and then slowly lose communication with it after dinner until I see it again a few months later when it’s somehow engaged

Corvettes are... underage girls???

InB4 someone says it’s shit because it doesn’t have a manual.


You ranked Creed the highest. You, sir, are on drugs, and some bad shit, too.

Am I reading this correctly? Creed is better than The Eagles and The Doors? That’s gross to even type, the wording “Creed is better than....” should never be written about anything. Unless you’re talking about tetnus...or like..nuclear winters.

But I’m a Lewis fan and even I was like smh not every off he has is someone else’s fault. Makes it hard to like a driver when they can’t accept responsibility for going off. It was so clear from the highlights I watched later that he locked up.

FAVE: Hamilton had an off into the gravel (umm, ROCKS). I turn to my son and tell him, “Hamilton is blaming someone right now.” The radio message (after the radio delay) comes through, capturing Hamilton saying, essentially, that Nico cut him off. Priceless/classless/classic Lewis.

Boy, I miss having grownups in charge.

My pleasure.

Considering that “5 figures” goes all the way to 99,999, I’d argue that this is, actually “barely 5 figures".

They didn’t really need it. We didn’t use B-2s in Afghanistan either; just wasn’t necessary for the job. We have enough F-15s and F-16s available that there was no real reason to send the F-22 (with it’s higher operating costs) into an environment where there was zero chance of air combat and basically no SAM threat.

It has no enemy. What can Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, etc. field that could compete with it or require it?

I don’t care if people think I suck. I CLEARLY do. but when dunces like like SeprerereDeVe call me a liar, thats when I get mad. What the fuck is her damage?

Jesus. Plane trips are bad enough without random people fucking on them.

yeah, how people who dip don’t realize that people around them don’t want to see your brown chunky spit in a clear bottle, thankyouverymuch is beyond me.

Do you show up to birthday parties and pop all of the balloons, all the while laughing hysterically?

Memphis Raines. No go back and watch the movie 3 times and give us an essay comparing both sides of the story. One from Detective Castlebeck’s view of Raines and his crew and the disappointment of letting him walk. The second perspective is of that of Raymond Calitri and how he rose to fame and fortune in the US,

When I lived in Southern California, I would sometimes go to Long Beach. Without fail, every time I was there, I would think to myself “Stay out of Long Beach” in the voice of Johnny B.

McLaren have come such a long way in such a short time. Considering how many of my fellow Brits, bemoan our car industry and how everything is foreign owned, I feel we should be a lot prouder of McLaren than we are.