Andrew Herrera

I think it’s hilarious that everyone has a problem with the femininity when the real problem is HAVE YOU FREAKING LOOKED AT THIS THING?!?! We already have seals. SEEL. This abomination is obviously only going to get more frilly but also more clowny with the next evolution. S’not good, but has whining about character

Oh my GOD

I think the main question in need of asking is why would he read an article on Margery Tyrrell costly if he’s NOT a fan?

Wiimotes don’t connect to the console. The console has a port on it identical to the one on the bottom of a wiimote. The controller can be plugged into a Wiimote and used on Wii/WiiU, but a Wiimote cannot connect with the NES Mini.

Double post. Saw the summon-counter-argument. I dunno how much more work it takes to have a follower initiate attacks on its own when your game’s system is based around followers that attack on their own. It’s not like the summons in XV don’t interact with the environment. Grass and trees were left burning after

Not sure where to reply because I let this get out of hand by not noticing replies XD “Ton of female leads” mainly meant it was a 3 game series with the LEAD being female. Lightning, Serah, Lightning, and the first game was nearly 50/50 with the cast, and when compared to other games in the FF series yeah, it’s a ton.

Remember that originally, this game ran opposite FFXIII. Everything is in stark contrast from the clothing choices to the gender leads. I didn’t think having a ton of female leads ruined 13. Thinking the inverse is gender favoritism as well. And how is a separation from XII to return to cinematic-style summons a bad

I would imagine the idea was that it gave an idea of fullness and the mystery of wondering what you could possibly be doing those 3 hours before actually hop into the game proper. He was talking as one would to people not only not associated with RPG’s, but video games in general. Someone who hasn’t slogged through

Anyone else feel like this isn’t that rough? Maybe I just have a bunch of friends who play pokemon as opposed to the average player, but if I were to allow myself 10 trades per person I feel like I could definitely hit this. Friends trading trash for things people need is how everyone I know completed their pokedex.

FINALLY Niantic stops treating us like simple cogs in their revenue machine and takes moves to treat us like actual consumers. I did figure this was the reason before they issued their statement; it only made sense that if the trackers were dropping while the PTC site was down, it was because they were hijacking site

The main thing that Nintendo has always done is produce releasing cost-efficient (as well as relatively outdated, compared to the climate) hardware, and push tough-to-recreate exclusives that drive the sales of these profit-generating systems. Odds are that the NX will be no different; with its supposed emphasis on

Resume sent. Please notice me senpai!!!

Forget that talk, Deadpooli0. The problem isn’t that we want the easiest experience possible. It’s that they went from the trailer, which showed us the actual distance it takes to reach a pokemon we were tracking, to a tracking system that used steps to signify closeness and still never worked quite right to just a

I’d say it all ties back to what men go to the internet for. Originally guys didn’t not watch female streamers because they were misogynistic assholes. They didn’t watch female streamers because none existed. Then a wave came out and guys watched them just BECAUSE they were females, and the format would’ve been the

I agree, but it takes more than simply them showing less cleavage to fix it. Fans need to get as rabid as they do when there’s skin involved and throw money at them the way they throw money at 1/2 nude girls so that streaming in this manner is not only done, but the preferred format. But that’s not going to happen,

Sony isn’t the kind of first-party powerhouse for games that Nintendo is. I’ve heard (and scratched the surface myself) of how hard it was to program for the Vita, or even be considered for a Vita dev kit since Sony was mega paranoid a small dev would jailbreak the Vita and they’d have another PSP on their hands.

How about it’s a music concert and maybe these people just wanted to HEAR the artists, so seeing them doesn’t matter? How about the guy who had his “life changed” because a celebrity walked by him has the wrong idea? And as a guy whose been backstage for many stupid-popular shows I didn’t care about, yeah. Doesn’t

See, everyone keeps saying alcohol isn’t an excuse and yet everyone also brings it up. Know why? Because being black-out drunk DOES inebriate people past the point of rational decisions. No one wants to believe this because everyone still wants to justify their drinking. I remember a Tequila night and a bunch of funny

You ever wanted proof that people pay waaaaaaaay too much attention to shit that happens on the internet? Here it is. When hearing anything ”-gate” instead of thinking about an actual historic event that uncovered the corruption of one of our presidents, people’s minds jump to a non-troversy involving some asshat that

Hey, might actually be a pretty cool feature if done right. What if for every big boss battle, you were to unlock a stage to play in VR as Prompto so you could see all of the (I’m certain) GORGEOUS areas as though in real life? It’s a simple mechanic because it was added in late, but I have faith that wouldn’t tack