Andrew Herrera

I actually think there’s a heap of good messages here. For one, no matter the situation no one shamed Prompto, from Noctis, born of royalty, to the physically fit runner, even to the “normal” boys that bumped him by mistake, even after he asked them a question about running, which to most people would seem comical

I LOOOOOOOOVE my Elite controller, but they never made the accessories and extra paddles for it they said they would, except for that Halo set, and they charged 50 BUCKS for those tiny buttons. These prices are setting scary new precedence...

You can just feel the corporate greed when something licenses to MegaBloks. It’s like... The Chinese PSP knockoff of Legos. Like... works with all major building toy brands? Are you SURE? Because if I stand a Lego Leonardo next to a MegaBloks Raphael... I don’t know if I can describe that sight as “WORKING”. XC

I would imagine Lego keeps a bigger cut of the ending profits than either of these companies. When you have characters as prominent as Master Chief and Mario, you know you can sell SOME form of merchandise to super fans no matter WHAT it is you’re slapping the license on. So it becomes a gamble, and they pay people to

I genuinely feel like when it comes to licensing stuff Nintendo has an out-of-touch hipster sitting there going “We don’t want to work with Lego, they’re too mainstream for us.” Or maybe even Nintendo itself is so worried about the user-generated content that’d come with releasing Legos so they instead licensed to a

Pretty sure it’s an extremely cartoon-ized and juxtaposed butt cheek, so you can be sure he’s in a thong.

I was reading through to see if anyone else hit this mark. The idea that he’d take these kinds of things to represent him isn’t far fetched, but any design choice has to be paired with the background of how it came to be. Are we supposed to ignore the fact that Leto-Joker had to tell another person “I want the word

I currently have a girlfriend being indoctrinated in the ways of anime and video games, so naturally I used Pokemon as the initial stepping stone into my way of life. When she got to the point in the series where you see Giovanni and Mewtwo’s initial exchange, I revealed my VHS copy of the First Movie to her

Internet, I beseech you, can we take time or from the conspiracy theories, hate mongering and finger pointing to just do this? Like, forever? Go to the thrifty store, find cute but pointless toys from ages gone by and mod them into mechs? Eventually automate or radio control them for the most adorable reboot of

No, it all happened at Best Buy. Whenever I type/say “Trade-In”, my brain switches back to GameStop. How strong is THAT corporate conditioning?

360 Elite owner from the first batch ever produced. My 360 was never moved, stayed layer horizontally on my entertainment center from then up until now. My 360 ate Skyrim when I first bought it, then gta4. Sent it in and they sent me another one, no mention of the games it destroyed. At the time I was beyond furious

As adults we’d never do such a thing, but part of it was outrage over Capcom’s premium pricing of the game. They released it at $80 in a time when $50 was the norm. In our adolescent stupor, we thought we were getting back at Capcom somehow. I don’t regret it. Great fucking story to tell XD

When we were really young my older brother got Resident Evil: Code Veronica for the Dream cast and swapped the game for Blue Stinger, shrink wrapped the case and traded it back in GameStop for store credit, saying someone else had already got him the game. Two weeks later one of our friends had this insane story about

To prove it was written by a first grader; it’s “three-fifty-eight OVER two days”.

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe someone else remembered Link’s Awakening like that. My favorite game for quite some time, Link’s Awakening was a major player in my developmental stage. Not sure if you remember, but if you stole, everyone from Marin and the Old Man on the phone to the Wind Fish at the end of the game

If games are an art medium to be taken seriously, part of taking it seriously involves seeing it as the artists intended. That means not drawing over it, or, to put it simply, “censoring” it.

Anyone putting out a game on their own should feel awful for the lack of diversity their title required.

My Pokewalker and DDR phases never intersected. I feel so foolish now for never making the correlation.