We think we can all agree that the third season of Rick And Morty has been well worth the protracted wait (which, in…
We think we can all agree that the third season of Rick And Morty has been well worth the protracted wait (which, in…
I’d check out Takenoko, Dead of Winter, and (while not listed in the gold sale) Tokaido, which is very well priced.
I’d check out Takenoko, Dead of Winter, and (while not listed in the gold sale) Tokaido, which is very well priced.
I would never give up fighting for the life of one of my children, rational or not. I don’t think there are any bad guys here, this is just really, really sad.
Oh wow, you included a GIF? Knocked it out of the park.
...and then contributes to giving up a basket on the put-back to the guy he blocked because he was staring down the crowd.
This. Is. Incredible.
Notice how team instinct is the only one actually wrecking s#!t in this gif.
I first thought good for the bull fuck this guy but then i remembered spanish bulls are fucking giant monsters raised with more love and care than golden retrievers in america. And unlike most food animals they are given a fighting chance. Its also preserved an ancient and inportant genetic bloodline. So, not as bad…
As a Clevelander who wasn’t fully behind his return, likening it to getting back together with a girlfriend who ripped your heart out by dumping you for another, hotter guy and letting him put a ring on it, believe me when I say that he can do whatever the hell he wants and we all will still worship him.
What’s up with grammar in England? Using idea instead of ideas, confusing there and their, don’t they study their own language? (Yes, yes, I know. Henry Higgens went over this already, in song no less)
Just do it. You know you want to. You’re almost there, just go all the way. It starts with “sponsored content.” Then come the ad links below the articles that are designed to look like links to other Gawker media content. Then come the layoffs.
It’s funny that in retrospect this is all so obvious, but it’s true. Rousey was always a sloppy fighter who got away with it because of pure aggression, athleticism and good opportunistic grappling. But she was so successful with it that it was easy to ignore the fact that all it was going to take was someone with…
I know that driving home from the game after you got ejected sucks, but you really shouldn’t browse the internet on your phone while you’re driving.
It's honestly so good of our benevolent queen to let this random have her day in the sun.
He didn’t die; he was just called back to Lovetron.
The same evidence he has for proclaiming the Sanders fiasco a “big success” for the BLM movement, as opposed to the shark-jumping moment everyone here in reality regards it as.
“And maybe, yes, Harris did open fire on the police first! But the fact remains that no matter who fired the first shot, the entire incident was a direct result of the aggression and continued escalation of tensions by the police in Ferguson.”
Shoutout to the three readers who flagged this comment as offensive.
Hopefully 17 trillion. Beyonce is fucking terrible.