
But what's the use of having artwork if the biggest it will display it as in this view is tiny? It used to be beautiful.

I think a donation, while seemingly useless now, will always help in the long run. The times ahead are going to be tough for everyone, but when their child is born, money will be needed. I know it sounds terrible, but a donation is the best thing for the child's future.

@Kazesama: Nobody said she was special. But nobody thinks you're funny, edgy or cool for being such an insensitive prick. How about you grow a pair and actually show some respect?

I assume this will tone fat people's fingers so they are able to press less than twelve keys on the keyboard at the same time.

That picture is so horrifying, I think I'm going to 'summon my Persona'. With a real gun.

I assume it won't be a 'fanny' pack for the UK release?

Don't throw your vibrators out yet, everyone!

@Sabbatai: I don't know. I just think it's a bit weird.

@buttnugget: Maybe we should watch the video a dozen or so times more. Just to be sure.

Why did he post the town he lives in for everyone to see in the first place?

@darthvolta: I was expecting it to hit someone from a distance in the stomach, not explode in her face.

@Kwinten: It looks like her head exploded when played at normal speed.

Why is her nose not bleeding?!?!?

@pressstart: I don't think many companies will want to be seen as 'that company who put a perv in charge', either.

It's so frustrating to see the ViewPad 100 dual booting. It seems like ViewSonic have decided to add Android so as to make it more marketable, when Windows 7 would have sufficed. It would be the only Windows 7 tablet of the size, and would be great, had they not added an old version of Android. If only they'd stuck to

My HP computer gets its work cut if it denies my advances toward the seedier side of the internet.

Now playing

I think this would make more people smile.