
@Aqualogy: This ferret is more agreeable.

@FuturePastNow: Yes, I think we've gathered that now. Read the other replies first.

@pettiblay: Not a problem for me, anyway, since I avoid Macs like the plague.

@Honest_Pizza: I think part of the appeal for me was how kitsch and flashy it was.

@Tapirman: I always found the tricks easy to do. But going from playing SSX to Tony Hawk would cause me to press all the wrong buttons all the time, as you could imagine.

@PeterQC: I thought Apple were very touchy about changing the way your things work. Obviously not as much as I thought.

@USB_Humping_Dog: It would void the warranty on an Apple product, yes.

Does anybody dislike the SSX games?

Where acn I find one of these photo booths that take 4 separate pictures? Do they exist?

Okay, we've all thought it would be funny to put our genitals on it. Can we move on?

To be fair, shouting for that long is pretty impressive.

His website is pretty fantastic.

@cruzer555: If it's the best, why doesn't everyone use it and other companies not bother?

So much for Macs 'just working' and 'being so intuitive'.

@cha0tic: Thank you very much.

I'm making this with a toothbrush. Bleeding gums and broken teeth were never so clean.

Fun game:

He hasn't long to live and he wants to be a badass.