Jean Ferretti

Or until said racially ambiguous person moves into the neighborhood, in which case they are all too happy label them. I say ‘they’ even though I am a white woman, because unlike those folks, my people don’t hail from Assholistan.

Very late to this thread, but I needed to get out my frustration with Nate and his shit-talking about ska. There’s not enough music from Zambesi to make him pay for this insult!


Nooooo.......I want to do away with DST. Arizona doesn’t have it, California doesn’t need it. I need it to be sunny in the morning, I don’t care if it’s dark at 5 p.m. for a few weeks. It’s *my* hour, you people can’t have it!!!

Yeah, but nobody wanted Truth...

I enjoyed the moment of shared grieving and coping between Graham and Ryan, with Graham saying he wished Grace could be there to meet Rosa Parks, and Ryan saying it was good she wasn’t as she would’ve started a riot - them having a laugh together. I really see Ryan being the glue, as it were, of the team. He started

Yes, something I can have that sense of accomplishment is ideal - the idea of spending 100+ hrs in something is really daunting right now, though I do love me some RPG. The filthy casual wasn’t the rut, I just wanted to put that in there as a guide to suggestions, I love games, I’m just not very good at them. One of

Since I can’t even play any first person perspective games, I don’t see me getting one of these any time soon, but more power to you if you can enjoy them.

My biggest joy in the episode was Whittaker was the ‘female Doctor’ for only an instant and then was just The Doctor. To me, that is the joy of the show and especially so with this regeneration - welcoming a new Doctor into our lives and being willing to join them on their adventure. I love that the characters have a

Whatever the Situation, Yaz will be prepared.

Wow, that’s so cool about the violin. I held one in grade school and have always wanted to learn. Stupid question here: how are you learning to play? I mean, do you have a teacher, watching videos...? I’m feeling struck by something which I hope is inspiration.

Congratulations on your new expansion pack!

Well, it’s a hat with ears, so I just figured it was a pun/joke on “Missing Cat” posters.

Well, I certainly hope you quit that job!

Aw, man, throw the dog a bone.

The actress who is a lesbian is “appealing too much to straight women”? Are folks afraid that Ms. Rose is going to turn us gay?

My problem with how this was all handled was that Franken himself asked for an investigation into his behavior. Perhaps he truly thought he hadn’t done anything wrong and would come out unscathed, but regardless (or irregardless for our pedantic friends), it could’ve led to a real dialog about why it’s really not

I can assure you, no one was getting 10 year-old me high when I was sneakily staying up late on Sunday nights watching Monty Python on my tiny B&W tv back in the 70's. That, Carol Burnett, and SNL shaped my sense of humor - which explains all the blank stares I’ve been getting for the past 40-odd years.

To me, the best part of this story isn’t the naming of Wednesday, which is interesting, no doubt about that. But, that Charles Addams was at a party, saw a person in pain and reached out to them, going out of his way to make her feel better. What a kind thing to do.

It’s like “my daddy, my grandaddy, and his daddy before him all worked the coal mines. I mean, sure, they all died from black lung, but dammit it’s a tradition!”