Jean Ferretti

No mention of the meatballs scene? The magic ingredient isn’t garlic but “a mother’s love...and a sprinkling of my menstrual blood”.

Bits ‘n Kebabs

Someday, I will learn not to click on stories with “youtube personality” in the headline. Sadly, today is not that day.

Ever since Capaldi became the Doctor, I’ve had a theory about why he was so cross in the beginning, and it seemed to play out in this special. After 12 incarnations (including 8.5 here), and especially siege of Trenzalore, imagine how tired the Doctor would be. I always just figured he was ready to be done, and

Nah, dude, the lead character is named Neil.

Bill’O, I don’t care what size pants you wear, just, in the name of all that is holy, keep them on!

I think I saw something related to this on Twitter the other night...somehow it was all tied into the power outage at the Atlanta airport. Can we just get these folks jobs writing screenplays? They’re writing crazy ass fantasy and we’re getting stuck watching remakes and sequels - they put their ‘talents’ to fruitful

This reminds me of an idea I had for a movie once, where the entire cast was made up of the stock villain type actors. You know, Danny Trejo types (before he became so well-known), make it a murder mystery and no one would know whodunnit because they would all look like the bad guy.

“...despite writing so intimately and incisively about courtship and matters of the heart, she never married herself.”

Is it so obvious that I should be embarrassed to mention that Lucifer has ALSO killed a brother? I wonder if that tidbit will be addressed. Remember when Lucifer went to hell, that was the moment he kept reliving? And here is Cain (presumably) having to live out that act for eternity, but on earth.

Idris Elba....*melts*

I was thinking that one of the lesser discussed, but equally important, bonuses of the Moore loss was never having Kayla Moore enter my consciousness again.

The horse? Kinja’s comment listing is confusing af.

Now now, no need to drag poor Sassy into this. She’s a victim, too!

The deuce, you say!

Whether or not we can hear the tree, no, she is not a nice person.

Well, now that you put it that way, it sounds delightful. More cat pictures! Who wouldn’t want that?

I’m glad I read this article before reading the story. As a true “cat person”*, I would not have been able to relate. What cat person goes on dates? Even bad ones? We have cats so we don’t HAVE to deal with people, ffs.

I’ve seen a cow raise it’s tail like that before. It’s not sexy, it means ‘get out of the way or get shat upon’ - unless you like that sort of thing, in which case...

“Shitty people aren’t picky about who they hate...News at 11!”