
Well the PlayStation commercial sentence and complains about that matter is silly, considering the game born in PS plataforms, it’s exclusive to PS, and it is completely logic that you see Gran Turismo stuff in a movie of..... err GRAN TURISMO, based on a story of a gamer that plays a game on playstation. Other than

Probably Capcom shortened the units and someone at gs came up with the idea of who was going to be left out.

I wonder if the series will include the TLOU2 begnning at the end of the next episode or as a post credit scene. And if you played the games you know what i am talking about. Maybe start S2 not so brutal...

lol this si funny. it’s like the 10000 xbox users of japan went to comment there. If really japan thought that of xbox they would be selling a lot of consoles there, which doesn’t happen... so... :D

The drive CAN read cd/dvd, that’s not the problem. The business model the games are sold, rent and emulated and all around that is why, including licences..

you algo got this one

Try using the typewriters :D also there are a lot of small “jump scares”with ghosts. The dolls seems like a nod to Annabelle, pretty similar 

The game is pretty awesome and fun and more if you coop with friends. The stances of the “dead hand” are hilarious and the game has a lot of nice little references here and there. Simple and pure fun with the cool x-ray shot camera. The gfx are quite good. The game this time seems a mix of Zombie Trilogy and Strange

Is there any possible legal problems with Nintendo ‘cause of this retro console?

Dude this is so sad!! I love the place!! :’(

#fuckonami is something pretty stupid and childish. Specially when a project does not come to deliver at deadline. It’s a business and not a school project, you know. KONAMI might done things wrong but as the article says, making a game or a new studio it’s not an easy task. And yes Kojima has a better reputation

If it is too hard for a person then maybe it’s not for you, and there is nothing wrong with it. Seems like you listen to a death metal or metal song and you want a softer o pop version ‘cause you can’t stand it.
Why can people accept it like it is?? there are tons of games to play and if you like a higher challengs,

Btw, the costumes were done before the video was released, and so the first post of the photos. At the time the only reference were the leaked pictures. So that’s why no mask in this session, but will be in next :P

Tasha did it great too :) 

I am sorry to say we did it first. The photos were shared on Monday, same week of Worlds, and the tournament was on Saturday ;)

Sadly i started to like TFA cause i hated TLJ. Went for second time to give it a chance and ended up hating it more :/

I love Dirge and hoped SQE did more of that style :/ still waiting

What about the November 2017 release date. Any insight jason?

Just confirmed its real. New date sent to Square Enix divisions in LATAM last friday. Public announcement should be tomorrow. :(

Melon Soda rocks!!!