
Can’t” or “won’t”?

Ironically, I am fighting a very similar issue of hydrogen containment, except with the added bonus that the Hydrogen is in fact Tritium, so you have radioactivity added into the fun little equation. And before you go “well Tritium only emits soft beta, how much worse could it be?”, it’s bad enough where you cannot

I’ve never really understood this sentiment. Yes, pushrods have a lower power density vs displacement for all of the reasons noted above. And yet because they are inherently space efficient, they can cram a larger engine into the same bay, and achieve equal or better results compared to using a ‘modern’ DOHC setup.

Doesn’t seem to be a category I can find.

For what it’s worth, the CDC has estimated in the past that there are 500,000 defensive gun uses per year on the low end. The significant majority of which go unreported.

Just last week I got one saying they were behind their mid-month fundraising goal and if I didn’t give, the liberals would turn us into Venezuela or Cuba and we’d all be on line for bread, our guns would be taken away, and the illegals will still the elections from trump on down.

What logical purpose does insulting the people you’re trying to convince serve?

I clearly said ‘part’ of it, and you’re certainly not contributing to the solution by throwing around insults towards people you’re asking to compromise and give up rights for essentially nothing in return. You think questioning someones’ manhood is going to get the results you want? What incentive would anyone have

Well they sure as hell won’t afterwards. And that is why nothing gets accomplished nowadays. Congratulations on being part of the problem.

I don’t think you can reasonably ask for engagementin good faith” after engaging in ad-hominem attacks.

Like anything else, I think it’s situationally dependent, and requires some discretion to be applied. There are times and places where it is appropriate (like when backpacking in grizzly country), and times where it is inappropriate (in a Walmart a week after the El Paso shooting).

The problem with open carry is that, depending on the area, it can cause significant amounts of alarm. MA has open carry, or rather open carry isn’t specifically prohibited as long as you have a LTC, but if you were walking around Boston with a pistol on your hip and you don’t have a badge, I would be prepared to be

Sorry, I don’t buy that first part. Relative to the efforts to ban entire classes of firearms for being scary-looking, we barely do anything to prohibit smoking and drinking deaths. Certainly not ‘everything we can think of’.

So, how do you attempt to go about solving problems?


I believe the Israeli F-16s have conformal fuel tanks to significantly increase range. I’m sure they’d sell you some....for a price.

EDIT: Never-mind, someone beat me to it.

I had applied to the service academies with an aim to becoming a pilot back in high school. I even received my congressional nomination to go to Annapolis (bet you can’t guess from who).

I’m still a decade away from buying a BEV as a primary family car, but I’m currently strategizing what makes the most sense for my next purchase — and I know it will probably be the last pure ICE I ever buy, so I’m being very picky.