
Weta Workshop?

I did autocross in college, and the heads of the ‘club’ that hosted the event all had CRX’s, and the course designs they built were perfectly suited for their tiny, nimble Hondas. Not so much for me in my comparatively larger, heavy-ass 3000GT VR-4. Oh well, at least I had fun.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

I like it, but I also understand why others may not.

Yes. I’m sending my daughter off to college. 4 year university. Then another 4 years of Med school. I doubt she’ll have 25k in debt after she’s done.

Fair question. While I can’t speak for all designs (obviously), this particular example is made from steel tubes, which friction lock together when fully extended. It may look skinny, but keep in mind that steel is about 3X as dense as aluminum and nearly 10X as dense as hardwood. So essentially, you have a ~24" long

Pro tip on Pre-Check: If you’ve paid for it, make sure you are not bringing your fucking gun to the airport. Aside from my nonstop gripe with people who forget it in their carry-on, which is as follows: I do not own a gun, but if I did, the first thing I would ensure that I know every day is WHERE THE FUCK IT IS,

I’ll accept as a ‘car enthusiast’ anyone who cares enough to refer to themselves as such. Being a fan doesn’t always mean participating.

Which can end up costing more money in the long run. The travel authorization request I submitted 2 weeks ago for $800 plane tickets to perform a site visit for one of our customers? Well now it’s the day before, and the price is $2000. What’s the goal again?

It’s absolutely a piety test, and I’m ok with it.

I guess that depends on what niche Nissan is aiming for. What would you compare it to?

Now playing

It seemed to vary. It didn’t do well in instrumented tests, but when put out on the track, it apparently could hustle pretty decently.

Genuinely curious, what’s the resale value on BMW M cars like?

What happened to that really nice sapphire blue they once offered? Now it’s some kind of sky-blue, which is categorically less-good (fight me). Like this one:

U-238 would be good at stopping gamma, as you suggest. The downside would be that if the radioactive decay of whatever you’re shielding against produces neutrons, they have the ability to transmute U-238 into Pu-239, which would be bad news if you get enough of it. I believe it’s the concept that breeder reactors are

The rule of thumb is mass stops gamma, but lead is significantly better at stopping gamma than its mass would normally suggest. Still more than you’d want to be carrying around.

We use nylon and polyethylene as radiation shielding. You wouldn’t think so, but hydrogen-rich plastics are exceptionally good at capturing neutrons compared to their weight. They’re shit against gamma though.

I remember reading something from Tyler Rogoway about how they weren’t sure how aggressive to be with the retrofit. The big gains would come from replacing the 8 small low-bypass TF33's with 4 larger high-bypass turbofans, like the CF6 or GEnX, but would also require the most modification to the airframe. Whereas

I maintain the 3.6 H6 was an underappreciated gem of an engine. Much quicker, quieter, and more refined than the 4-banger, with a minor realistic fuel economy penalty, no oil consumption issues, and a reputation for reliability.

All these comments, and no jokes about recreating Mad Macks? I feel like it is my duty to do so.