
Damn you, stop making me regret buying my Volvo!

You would be well within your rights to ask to pay less if you didn’t have cocktails, appetizers, desserts, etc. But as we make our expectations clear, declining to invite you to the next outing would be the likely consequence. Perhaps that’s the best solution for everyone, to avoid bad feelings.

I go out with friends & coworkers 2-3 times per month. Bill is split evenly, no matter what. If someone tried to pull the ‘well, I didn’t order any appetizers and drank tap water, so I shouldn’t have to contribute as much’, they would quickly find themselves uninvited from future gatherings. In fact, that has actually

“You drive a Volvo, what do you know?”

Philadelphia is a great city. There’s more culture in three blocks in Phila than the entire fucking mid-west.

Prepare yourself for the Nissan fanboys(&girls?) to come out of the woodwork. Every time someone suggests that it could use an update, the response from that group is generally “It has plenty of power, it’s fine as it is, more power would ruin it, it’s still faster than a base mustang...” etc, etc.

But car racing isn’t an Olympic sport. Off topic, but it sounds like a good argument for removing equestrian events from Olympic competition.

I know this wasn’t you, but.....

Honda/Aura LED’s are indeed annoying sometimes, but I’ve found the worst by far are the Nissan SUV/CUV’s, which are annoying ALL the time. Every single damn one of them has headlights that seem to be designed to illuminate the interior of my vehicle and scorch my retinas. Are they even pointed at the road?

I assume you’re referring to Massachusetts and New Hampshire?

I’m kind of mad that I didn’t think of that joke.

Yes, and the average life expectancy was 40 years and infant mortality was 20-30%. But sure, focus on all that money they saved by not buying medicine.

There are very few companies that I’d trust to be trailblazers in the migration to self-driving cars. Nissan is not one of them. Personally, I’d go with a company with a stronger safety résumé. To each their own.

Wow, I didn’t realize those things pulled so few amps. That’s only, what, 18 Watts? Easily supply-able with a portable solar panel, with plenty left over to keep the battery topped off.

Yeah, I looked at those, as well as some made by Engel ($$$), but I couldn’t justify the price for the rare occasions I will be using it. Were I an operator-owner trucker or a salesman constantly on the road, the equation would be different. Same if I went overlanding/camping a lot. But for the 3-4 times per year that

Has one installed stock? Or purchases one?

The reviews on amazon for this type of cooler were very mixed. Seems like a lot of people don’t like them very much. I’m not sure whether that’s because they’re unreliable, or the people had unreasonable expectations. I picked up one of the few that had a reasonable number of reviews and a 4.0+ star rating.

I definitely wouldn’t recommend this one for attempting to clear a driveway or sidewalk if you place any value on your spine. But clearing the mound of plowed snow out from behind your parking space so you can get home or to work? Perfect, plus it folds up into a negligible amount of space for those people who have

I’ve never had one break, even when I used to live up in Rochester and got lake-effect snow constantly (though not as bad as Buffalo).