
You SJWs are way too quick to throw around the term ‘racist’ when someone happens to challenge your narrow worldview. You just want to bring race into the equation because you have nothing else to support your arguments, while I have provided numerous examples of the evidence you requested.

What kind of AWD setup does it have? With the kind of gas mileage you’re seeing, is it FWD with rear-wheel assist, like we see with other Volvos?

No, it’s not fiction, it’s a function of their educational system, which prioritizes rote memorization over creativity and originality.

I was under the impression that all auto subies (4EAT, 5EAT, and CVT) had the active center diff. The only ones that didn’t were the manuals, which had a viscous coupling (except for the STI).

This x1000.

My $150 dashcam paid for itself many times over. Couple of months ago, was parked on the street in a suburb of Boston. Car intending on parking in front of me hit the gas instead of the brake, and rammed the front of my car.

Whats the necessity of ‘reusing’ the epithelial cells when they just have to regrow anyways? From your description, it doesn’t seem like it shortens the recovery time or lowers the discomfort (vs PRK).

Instead I went with PRK. It is a much more invasive procedure (where LASIK has a flap, PRK lops off the entire top of the eye)

I actually had the same issues with the ‘dry eyes’ and eyelid pulling at the ‘scab’ after sleeping (or at least that’s what it felt like) after my PRK surgery.

I was a candidate for LASIK or PRK, and chose PRK because it seemed like it had better outcomes, even though the recovery period was longer. Beyond that, I don’t like the idea of a corneal flap that never truly heals. When my regular opthomologist looks at my eyes, he can’t tell that I’ve had surgery.

How to those tuners compare to, say, Callaway or Lingenfelter?

If the one incident could be considered a fluke due to the low number of combined hours the plane had flown, then the ‘perfect safety record’ it would have otherwise achieved could easily be considered a fluke for the same reason. All of the airframes combined didn’t even break 250k hours of flight time over their 27

Might I remind you that the current poll leader for GOP presidential nominee is Donald Trump? I think leadership and pride were discarded long ago.

Doug, the front of some years of WRX/STI’s had the same issue with the japanese license plate spacing. They sell adapters that relocate the holes so no drilling is required, might be worthwhile for you to check out.

Depends on where you live. Massachusetts is technically a ‘may issue’ state, but it’s actually more complicated than that. In Mass, licensing effectively varies by town, depending on the viewpoint of those in charge (the police chief, I believe). Some towns (like mine) are effectively ‘shall issue’ as long as your

Any issues with bubbling on either interior door panel? When I sold my 95 VR-4, the vinyl top layer on the door armrest had full on seperated from the foam underlayer. It was an issue to which I couldn’t find a good solution.

I came here to post this, you beat me to it. Good call.

Just out of curiosity, how many additional F-22’s could we have purchased with the money we’re currently spending (and are anticipated to spend) on the F-35 program? I feel like the answer is “a lot”.

I feel like you’re projecting your opinions onto the Japanese. As far as I know, the vast majority of the country supports the USFJ’s ongoing presence there.

Why is the onus on the South to constantly roll over and play dead to the North’s provocations? The North gets a way with murder, and I mean that literally, but if the South reacts with something relatively harmless like propaganda broadcasts, suddenly they’re the instigator? I call BS.