
I'd be interested in reading that article/report as well, if you wouldn't mind linking it when you find it. I work in sales/operations for a good-sized CNC machine shop that does some supplying for defense contractors, medical companies, and others, and the conclusion that we've come to about the Kanban/just-in-time

How does the ride quality compare with the 2015 WRX? Is it still stiffer and harsher?

Better car for the track maybe. For commuting, the WRX is probably the better bet. I just sat in a 2013 WRX today (buddy is buying one), and I was amazed at how much more comfortable the ride was than my 2013 STI....


Can I answer 'neither' without sounding like a douche? Not trying to avoid the question, just don't like either of those vehicles.

This isn't the first time I've seen someone mention that the Supra's have a lot of 'character', but I don't understand what that's supposed to mean. What is 'character'?

What amuses me is the assumption by certain people that hitting a moving target from even hundreds of miles away is an easy feat, let alone thousands. You have to find your target first, which is more difficult than it sounds.

I thought that the airspace over a carrier was essentially a no-fly zone, even in international waters.

No STi since the GD platform was developed with motorsports in mind from the get go. So I am not surprised that the new ones are presenting the same issue.

Even if they do a mid-cycle refresh for MY2015, I can't imagine them dropping the hatch which they already have all the tooling for, and which constitutes a not-insignificant percentage of their sales. That is, unless they're trying to push them towards the Crosstrek instead, like they did with the Legacy Wagon and

This is a simplistic and half-assed assessment, and even that is being generous.

Carp of the day?

All Subaru owners suck

What's with all the vitriol directed at subaru owners lately? This is the second time in a week.

The new STI chassis is supposed to handle much better than the old ones, if reviews are to be believed.

I would be willing to accept 2 out of the 3.

I agree.

That's not necessarily true. I'm reasonably sure you can reduce drag without affecting downforce.

Personally, I bought mine because I can only have one car that has to cover all the bases. I wanted a sporty car, but also a car that handles inclement weather well (provided you shod it in the correct rubber). In addition, as my only car, it needed to be able to carry what I needed, so a hatchback or station wagon

I live in Mass, and I would say that the great majority of owners here fall into none of those 3 categories. They're just regular joes (or janes) that happened to buy a subaru for whatever reason.