
We'll see. If it's everything you describe for a reasonable cost (read: not S3 money), and VW can get their quality gremlins dealt with, it might be a car I would consider when the time comes to acquire a more mature vehicle than my STI.

There's no reason to not include it as an option just because some pretentious commenters on Jalopnik and TTAC think it waters down the 'purity' of the trim level through its very existence......all without ever having driven it.

I'm not sure where you live, but here in New England, when I went looking for an STI to buy, the lightly used ones were hardly any cheaper than just buying a new one from the stealership. It just wasn't worth it. With a new car, I know exactly how hard my car has been driven, how often maintenance was done, any

You are correct sir. If you compare the specs (and the side-profile), the sportback has barely more cargo room than it's sedan brethren (12.3 ft³ vs 13.8 ft³), but it's $1400 more. As a comparison, the 4 door Impreza has 12 ft³ in sedan form, but 22.5 ft³ in hatchback for only $500 more.

For your reading pleasure:

Once you have enough power to break traction, anything more isn't necessary. Breaking snow traction doesn't require that much power, especially in low gears, even with winter tires.

I do the same. If I can, I wait until the temperature gauge starts moving upwards. If I can't, I try to at least give it 30-45 seconds for the oil to circulate, and keep off the throttle until it warms.

I'll see your Nemo Mobile, and raise you a Hydra Schmidt Coupe Grau:

Your anecdotal evidence proves nothing except that your confirmation bias clouds your perception. Ignoring your dubious reliability claims.....considering Subaru only accounts for ~3% of small vehicle sales in the US today, and even accounting for the fact that a great majority of them are sold in northern states,

Even though they don't have a factory-supported rally team anymore to justify the body style, I'd still like it if they kept the hatch option. Adds a certain amount of versatility to an already well-rounded car.

I learned to drive in Rochester winters, and now I live in Central Mass. You'd think people would get used to snow here, being a New England state and everything. I feel like Rochester gets double the snowfall and yet the people there complain half as much.

Can you please clarify Quattro vs. quattro? I thought Quattro was the car, and quattro was the AWD system, but people seem to be using it interchangeably.

Current Subaru vs current longitudinal Audi's aren't that different in setup. Unless you get the STI (front, center, and rear LSD) or S4/S6/S7 (with center and optional rear LSD, I think), they are all center LSD with open front and rear. The only difference between them is Subaru uses a viscous center diff, while the

I'm not sure what ideas they actually tested, but my first inclination would be to try something like this:

Wouldn't that patent have expired by now?

By this time, Farmers was receiving so many calls about the car, company officials feared a public-relations crisis. Underwood had an idea. He'd put the car on public display. Farmers trucked the sad Dino to a private warehouse in Pasadena, where it remained on view for two weeks. The company invited viewers to submit

What went through my head was more of a Avatar theme:

I call bullshit. Look up Alan Mulally and tell me what his degree is in.