Tipping wait staff generously should be universal
Tipping wait staff generously should be universal
For fuxsake, “Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.
Carlin said it best, but the TLDR version is:
Eventually schools will need to add “propaganda filtering” to their curriculum:
Boom, you got it.
Website infamous for its snark and distain for modern vehicles upset about snark and distain for modern vehicles from its users.
I love that Elizabeth is a big indy fan, I hate that I hadn’t seen the race yet and came on jalopnik like a damn fool.
Who else is waiting to see how long this get blamed on Biden what ever crack pot reason the right wing nutters come up with?!
Ah, whiskey and a beer. The George Thorogood technique is effective.
Airlines need to have ejection pods. Taze them, throw them in the pod and hit the big red button. They wake up with a gentle bump (if the parachute opened) and get to figure out where they are and how to get home.
I don’t want one position! I want all positions!
I rode with a guy that did that. He and I got a free upgrade to something like Business First on an international flight. He sat down, made sure his seat belt was properly buckled and poured six shots of Jack down his throat. He passed out before take off and woke up when we landed.
We need the planes from the 5th Element. Everyone just gets knocked unconscious for the flight.
I am actually kind of heartbroken that we get 2 fucking shit SUVs suggested by those experts but no Mazda 3. If we as car enthusiasts don’t shine a light on Mazda, then who will?! Tom and José should be ashamed of themselves, there are already way too many of those horrible SUV monstrosities out there, no need to talk…
members didn’t just poke fun at the boomer like they normally do. They actually helped the man to the tune of over $35,000.
This country relies on the big-hearted nature of the citizenry to make up for the greedy fucking assholes that have bought our government.
Yes, this story is wonderful and indicative of the inherent good in so many sub-cultures. Yes, this story is also an absolute indictment of the country’s complete lack of anything…
All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens.
Imagine what would happen if you flew into a big piece of plastic at 20+ mph.
15 years is not “a little harsh”
He tossed a metal bumper directly at full speed karts with open cockpits during green flag racing while standing at the side of the track. He should have been arrested on the spot.