
Those commentators are the worst possible people.

I wonder why they needed to rewrite the game’s basic physics systems. Did they simply not have access to the original code any more? That’s a common issue these days, but it’s a shame that the new physics engine they coded just doesn’t work correctly with the level design. As much as I like stuff like the addition

I have been seeing those t-rex costumes everywhere lately. They’re the new horse heads.

I actually do love that they have a cell phone application for handling various Switch game features. The mistake I think is in making this ONLY for the cell phone. The console needs to be able to stand on it’s own and handle all these online functions without a cell phone.

yes, everything is perfect forever

I got Mario chess.

So, this most recent expansion adds 3 DPS to an already DPS-heavy game.

I’ll never pronounce the word “Monk” correctly again. Are you happy? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?!

It’s because it’s a ROM being emulated. The English ROM says FF3, so that’s what it is. Unless they decided to hack the game (which admittedly wouldn’t take much, as fan hacks have already simply restored the Japanese title screen, which is in English) this is what they’re forced to call it so long as this ROM is in

Star Fox 2 made this a must-buy. I passed on the NES classic (for myself, snagged one for my niece) because I had every game on it. I have every game on this one as well, except Star Fox 2. Now I MUST get it, and it won’t take long for someone to rip the ROM off this thing.

I think people take cutting room floor content they find on the disc a bit too far sometimes. Just because it was “cut” doesn’t mean the game is unfinished, any more than a deleted scene in a movie makes the movie unfinished. Some movies (Lord of the Rings trilogy, depending on your personal taste and patience)

Enlightening, if idiotic. Thank you. Heck, the idea that women who share a set of genes “belong” to everyone else that shares that gene is ridiculous. Heck, people that look as varied as we have today won’t disappear either. Everyone “breeding” together won’t create a race of identical grey people. It’ll just

Because I never heard it in casual speech before the alt-right came running out into the lime light a year ago? Also, they’re shouting “cuck” at us online, not “cuckold”. Frankly, the first time someone said that to me I assumed they just misspelled “cock”.

Thank you for that. So, “cuck” is slang for “cuckold”, not some portmanteau of cock and fuck. And, “cuckold” is some ancient english word not used today outside of some very specific fetish (and if I took the time to learn every single term for fetish porn, I’d be dead before I learned it all, so why bother?).

My response when people say these random new insults to me is something like “What’s a cuck?”

Glad to see some major features coming along for this game. Whenever player vs player combat is available, it’ll be the game it should have been from the start.

Considering that this is basically just a slang term for “Japanese cartoon” in the first place, there really isn’t any sort of “official” spelling.

Look, it’s okay! I for one don’t think it’s a bad idea to copy someone else’s idea, so long as you bring something new to the table. They did. Heck, plenty of games blatantly copied movies and such back on the NES, and we were glad for it! From Contra to Metroid, they’ve all got their roots in various 80's

I’m honestly surprised a fan community sprung up in Japan like this. Maybe I’m overestimating it’s size but, how did Japanese gamers find out about Undertale? I’m only asking because usually the language barrier does a pretty good job of preventing fad crossover like this. I imagine there’s some high profile web

Hey, so did Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island!