
So lets take that WORST COMPANY award away from TWC ande give it back to EA, that tweet was just distasteful.

If you did not enjoy Cowboy Bebop since the first episode your article is invalid!!

Just buy Sega and Platinum and that's more than enough...

Best Starter pokemon ever, Period.

there are plenty of Third party companies that could lend nintendo a hand or share their Know-How on creating a functional MMO (Blizzard, Bethesta.. even Square Enix and Sega may have good advice).
Nintendo really needs to grow a pair and step out of their comfort zone and please they fans who are not (5-10 year old

If Nintendo has a brain they have to release a real Wii U Pokemon game (no Stadium, no Colosseum, no Rumble) an lengthy and complex MMO Pokemon RPG. Imagine a real pokemon league online tounament that would make me quit my job and train everyday to be a pokemon master. They could start by creating the Kanto Region

It clearly depends on which game the demo is for. For example if you download the FIFA 13 demo you can easily run out of the times you can use it.

Insert Rayman here!!!

Am I the only one that thinks Rayman is a perfect fit for Smash Bros????
I should be an obvious choice to add a Ubisoft Character considering they are one of the few third party companies that has supported nintendo lately.

I don't know why people are mocking the Xbox One, personally i think Microsoft made a smart decision by just presenting the console's features and a few games, so they can show a wider range of upcoming games at E3. Sony on the other side made their E3 during the PS4 presentation and will probably show the same things