
Audi A8 coupe for me, please.

obviously the ferrari 456GT. when i saw the custom venice version made by pininfarina my jaw dropped.

First Ritmo: O \\\\ O

i hope the devs get encouraged from sales to do a PSN version!

also, a carabo just because dreamcar

Il Maestro Gandini it's still alive and kicking.

talking about borges, you guys could have done better. like in how he constantly brought element to his stories that later were featured in quantum physics.

i don't see any image, but i suppose this is

yeah, in fact here's a pic of mine.

which other activity of any kind can you compare with the same level of excitement you got flying in the A-12 for the first time?

-second answer

i know several possible answers to this, but i'm gonna post only two.


i'm not from the US but this is a seriously awesome idea! Jalops unite! having a Saab as the official Jalopnik car: GREAT.

This screams LeMons so loud that my ears bleed.

So basically, they put the head and the torch on display to raise a Kickstarter?

i endorse this as POTD too!

indeed she is. btw don't know if you noticed it, but the first image it's on anaglyph 3D. go and grab your glasses!

better left you something for when you decide to come back of that break.

Love how the rear lights rensemble the wings of the Aston Martin logo even down to the feathers pattern.