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“the show is gently ushering in a straight audience”, this just reminds me of the comedian Matt Rogers making fun of Love, Simon:

“What in the Disney Channel fuck is that” will be incorporated in my daily conversation

Is this true? Everyone at Kotaku are cat people?

This episode reminds me a lot of Community, very much an Abed meta episode...

Sons and Lovers is a great episode too, can’t believed that one was overlooked

I really need to take a design class or something, how are ppl able to create those pretty pictures?!

Can you play in Japanese on a North American version of the game?

I think that’s the best part of the series too, I wonder if it was such a huge emphasis in the book as well.

Could someone tell me the book ending? Who lives and dies in the book?

Some totos blow warm wind to dry 

Oh I wasn’t referring to the plot line, just about the question on how production was done with the invisible effects... I guess the technology is trade secret?

I wonder why they’re not allowed to say how it was filmed now that the film is already released... I was wondering about that too.

When I first read the headline I thought the choices would be about testing your geography knowledge, like the old game show, and got really excited, but... this is not that.

That was my question, I thought he was using an iphone

I’m still following the show, so I’ll definitely check the new batch of episodes out. I just like to binge it, thanks for the info!

I think I’m slowly getting to this point... With the Shie Hassaikai Arc episodes what I’ve noticed is that each big fight between the student and the villain always consists the student losing initially, followed by a prolonged flashback about how the student trained to become the best, then finally he goes super

I was actually moved seeing all those video characters from various games show up in a theatre. Glad I’m not the only one who felt that way. I can’t wait to see what Nintendo will do with theirs when Mario comes out.

What really got me hyped was in one of the trailers, they played a few notes of the greenhill zone music, I think small easter eggs like this in the movie will carry the film for me 

Dunkin coffe is good cuz they put tons of creme and sugar

Yeah! Good contrast