
I’ve tweeted this in response to Kirk, but just wanna say it again, the Kotaku Melodic was such an awesome block/experiment, especially for video game music enthusiasts. I’m really glad you’ve decided to stay on Split Screen forever. Good luck with your music career, you’ll be missed!

Honestly, I don’t think I can personally sit through Dinesh D’Souza’s film and the God’s Not Dead series... I’m always impressed when a lot of actual critics review these films.

I cold totally be making this up, but for some reason I remember Mike Schur saying that the Good Place was only planned for a 4 season story... 

Nightmare fuel... Esp Sonic

I was gonna say the official trailer for If Beale Street Could Talk was the best trailer I saw this year. The swelling music along with all the emotions in the few short minutes sold me on the movie. 

Sam you now have my attention with your pro-Nintendo bias, where can I donate money to you since we’re on the same side.

Thank you for this article! Definitely clarified a few things for me about what a “game engines” is and isn’t.

Too bad it’s gonna be so hard to find it in theatres, especially if you don’t live in a major city...

I don’t get the Those Who Can, Dle Candle store name... Is that a reference to something? 

Kirk? Is that you...?!

I’ve never laughed this hard at an anime for a very long long time, everyone needs to watch this.

This is the same lady who Anderson Cooper confronted after the Pulse nightclub shooting... Yeah not surprised at the nonsense she’s spewing.

Does this apply to everyone? I don’t see it...

Does that mean there’s not gonna be a Halloween episode? Cuz those are the BEST, especially this past year’s.

What’s the worst case scenario in the whole Univision debacle... I just want Kotaku and all its awesome writers to stay on forever, preferably in the same outlet.

Have you seen the documentary? It’s not as hyper-sensitive as you may think.

I always thought Simpsons was a pretty liberal show... but if you just search on twitter right after they aired said episode, right wing people all came out in support of the show, so I guess it’s bridging divides... And Al Jean is now subtweeting National Review.

sad that avclub have stopped covering flop house in their podmass, there’s been some pretty great episodes recently.

Kinda wish you guys addressed the second series No-End House... The story dealing with grief of losing someone was also extremely relatable, and the performances were well done.

it is NOT cheap... that is all, but otherwise love all the tips you provided in this article, thanks!