
hey maybe this isn’t the time to joke about sexual contact with homeless people?

Austin is pretty good when it comes to issues of gender, but we’re completely backwards when it comes to race. It’s a city that’s still largely segregated, and, because of booming home prices, it’s actively destroying minority-owned areas through gentrification.

Where did you see me say that we should go hating on all cops? Don’t come at me with that Trump comprehension, seeing what you want to see and spinning it. Don’t.

Next will be a Muslim Pm. And a black king

And yet here you are, chiming in, when you haven’t watched it in years. Far too many people get far too much joy from ragging on tv shows other people like, but that they themselves do not. The Walking Dead seems to attract a lot of that.

1.) Eminem ain’t no musician. He is a talented Rap artist. Not an MC but a rap artist.

This reminds me of the old joke, “how is Clapton like a cup of coffee?”

It’s frustrating that you’re sitting here focused on policing Megan for “internalizing abuse” (you know instead of the actual reality that is processing, and dealing with it in therapy, plus not speaking out because previously the men who were doing this were not being held accountable and ruining people’s careers).

maybe... asshole bosses should not be the norm... and holding them accountable is a step towards that....?!?!?

That’s what it boils down to. I see this so much when the topic of racism is broached. Someone does or says something bigoted, gets called out and somehow the discussion veers into their comfort, as if it’s a child being addressed. I’ve seen situations where the person even starts to literally cry. It always comes

That is absolutely not what is happening here. The article has done a poor job of explaining the issue. I am not Indigenous, but I follow a number of the people who have been calling her out. Here’s a better explanation:

Ungrateful, Self-Entitled, Selfish, Spoiled Brat...can’t even name all of what this this is made of.

RIP sir who supported that young man his entire life, only to be murdered by an ungrateful entitled twat of garbage.

I’ll save my support for bullied black kids like the one who a bunch of other racist kids tried to hang in CT or NH or whatever backwoods Northeastern state that happened in.

“But this definitely means Rihanna’s influence is rubbing off on the Kardashians’ burgeoning beauty empire.”

The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.

How did I know someone was gonna come at me with the ol’ “I love NWA so it’s cool” comment?

Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.

Eat some ass, Josh. It probably won’t make you live longer, but at least you won’t be online.