
Yeah, but that means you have less money for other goods, so something always gets the shaft.

I think some of the proposed policies might make sense, but I recognize where it’s political grandstanding and bluster. I think he’ll be largely benign, even if he does manage to rile people up and change stock prices. It’s the reason why he didn’t get my vote.

That’s the point. Manufacturing labor losses don’t just come from outsourcing, and Trump’s positions haven’t addressed the effect of technological innovation on a labor force.

Cozying up to people is the problem and I also hope that these measures are a stopgap, but something tells me that they’re the new normal.

Correct. However, I think the bigger issue is that Trump is picking the winners and losers.

Bashing implies it was unwarranted and inaccurate. Was it?

Just because 46% voted for him (as opposed to 48% for Clinton) and he won the electoral college does not mean he is smart. As the other commenter has already said, he can’t string a coherent sentence together to save his life. That is fucking scary that this country will run by a childish idiot who constantly tweets

That’s not exactly what happened, but sure!

I think anyone that knows the Jones Act understands that.

The real question is: How do you 1) keep US companies in the US and 2) how do you attract other companies? The basic GOP strategy has been to greatly reform taxes and regulation to spur small business startups, allow small and medium businesses to expand, and to

Please show me proof that he is a billionaire even once(much less many times over). Proof meaning various, third parties with reputations for being independent(i.e. Not Fox News). Trump sued someone over his claimed net worth . ..you might wanna google that but I have a feeling you only get your information from

The Carrier deal is especially troubling if we’re talking about “crony capitalism.” They still get to cut jobs (admittedly, fewer than they’d originally planned for) AND get special tax breaks from the feds AND get the good press of “keeping jobs in America.”

Yes, but there are policies which make the market more free and less free and give people more choice and less choice. I know life isn’t an Ayn Rand novel.

The funny part about both the Ford and Toyota tweets is that neither company was planning on moving any existing American jobs to Mexico.

You and others need to stop trying to figure this out. Trump is an idiot with a tweeter account who by the miraculous combination of our still healthy supply of grossly uneducated voters and foreign maniupulation has somehow become our President. The absolute worst possible outcome has happened and its time to stop

Yes, right along with the deliberate distortions, completely made-up “facts,” outright lies.

So if he expects automakers to manufacture all cars sold in the US within the country (and presumably also in other countries in order remain globally competitive) – I’m assuming his next set of tweets will be about how all Trump products (and those of his daughter’s brand) sold in the country will be produced in the