
An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.

Do you think commas and apostrophes are woke too? And proper syntax? And not saying stupid things?

there are plenty of issues to take with G/O media and their coverage.  this is not one of those issues.  grow up


Yes, those are all bad movies, although I do have a certain affection for Tiny Toons Bull Durham (Summer Catch), but she’s the best thing in each of them. Heck, in Stealth she’s able to convince an audience that someone would get all hot and bothered over Josh Lucas when Jamie Foxx is RIGHT THERE. (Heck, Lucas is the

Is this a good review? Pretty objectively no. Does your choice to completely fabricate points that it in no way made and then use those made up points to get mad make it better? Lord, no.

Thank you for the laugh out loud, that wins Internet of the day

Wait... NEW backers for Star Citizen? Thats a thing? Do they not know?

No Flame Thrower option?

For the record, I accidentally wrote “Oil Fitler” in my initial draft, and I’m not sure why I changed it given how badly this filter wants to ruin lives.

This is pretty standard for comedians in their 50s and 60s, unfortunately. I used to defend Joe Rogan (who would definitely defend Dave Chapelle) as a guy who’s misunderstood.

Sometime last year, I stopped listening to his podcast, because it went from being interesting, to him inviting older comedians on, and then

Back when I was a kid, I didn’t have a computer of any kind. But my dad, several states away because my parents were separated, had an Apple 2. He didn’t use it. Said he’d give it to me someday. To show how enthusiastic I was, I got one of these books where you type in code to make a program run, like this game. And I

Is that the sound of pages turning quickly as you burn through “What If?” comics in an attempt to catch up?

You must have really liked that vampire one.

There are a lot of weird “What If...?” comics that are really out there...

Is that a young Fred Armisen as Max? I always thought he might be one of those ageless Highlanders.

It wasn’t nu-who that gave them levitation, it was Remembrance of the Daleks back in 1988.

Why does it matter to you that I don’t?

Did you expect it to just magically sync up to your account? It’s got to pull the data from somewhere.