Heh. That reminds me of one of the more clever moments from the wildly uneven Ultimate Spider-Man Disney XD series.
Heh. That reminds me of one of the more clever moments from the wildly uneven Ultimate Spider-Man Disney XD series.
Like most anything else, it’s really all about whether you use your powers for good or evil. There are definitely times when it’s good to be a prick, and there are definitely times when others are happy to have a prick on their side.
Well, I don’t know. I think we’d have to see a photo and then decide.
That statute you quoted (which I’ll reproduce wrapped, here, for the benefit of readers who don’t enjoy horizontal scrolling)...
Isn’t that supposed to be one of the perks of fame — attractive, scantily-clad people throwing themselves at you constantly? Seems like kind of a rockstar problem to have. #JustSayin
Wait, but... OK, I get your problem. But are you saying that the tip “put your boxer briefs inside your pants and then put them both on at the same time” would work for you, to combat it? I’m still having trouble envisioning the mechanics of that.
(Also, #humblebrag. Just sayin’.) 😃
The E3 Ranch — he’s a first baseman, get it?
Is “Let’s Have A Panda” the new “Let’s Have A Kiki”? Because, that was an annoying fad, and Scissor Sisters are irritating.
I just take mine in the shower with me, when I really need to give it a thorough cleaning. A good soapy wash and rinse does wonders.
That’s exactly why the very first step in their directions is, “Cut the power source”. (By which they mean, for a desktop keyboard, to disconnect it from the computer.) If it’s not plugged in to the USB port, there’s no danger.
No lie, I look forward to these posts more than the actual holidays!
She wasn’t like that until Accounting hired Janice. Because Janice in Accounting don’t give a shit!
Glad to hear you’re on the mend from your earlier fatal experience! It sucks when those don’t have a happy ending. (Maybe next year’s catalog will have W-S Happy Endings! Only $69.69.)
OK, that freaking personalized gingerbread sleigh bullshit clearly comes with a Magic Tree air freshener with your name scribbled on it. Can I hang it from my rear-view mirror afterwards? Will it make my car smell like expensive failure?
(For those rusty on their Greek mythology, any man who looked upon Medusa’s face would be turned to stone.)
Hey, Kara, I notice that you and Effie share the same last name... shouldn’t you disclose any connections you two may have, when reporting about her?