“I was born a small black child.” –Steve Martin in The Jerk
(a) Facebook is not an 18+ site. They offer accounts for users from age 13 and up. (Higher in some countries, but in the US it’s 13+.)
Then, what? It’s a photo and a blurb on a man-on-the-street site, not porn! What possible justification could there be for this photo being considered in any way inappropriate?
There’s also this, which was posted to HONY’s Page a few minutes ago, and may provide reasons other than simple bigotry why (some) people might’ve Reported the post. Lots of Facebook’s users are still confused by it — hell, by technology, really — in my experience.
Several commenters suggested that someone might have reported the photo as offensive, but considering how popular the page is, it doesn’t make sense that someone didn’t check the page or contact Stanton before auto-removing it.
With all this in mind, one has ask why the Pentagon thought putting such a large asset, both in expenditure and size, into production with such an immature set of core subsystems that also happen to be nearly impossible to replace with proven ones, was a good idea?
From personal experience, I can say that there are definitely instances where contesting a ticket can work in your favor. Can’t say how common it was or is, perhaps I just got lucky.
Way back in 1997 when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, I was driving up I-95 on the return half of a road trip from NY to SC. I was passing…
Does the movie/meal analogy work?
She argues that it isn't her fault the cat won't eat it, and thus she shouldn't be out $15; my completely unspoken response (because I don't want to be slapped or chastised) is 'tough shit, them's the breaks'. I think it's reprehensible to return something that can no longer be sold (probably leftover resentment…
Whatever a Digital Air Fryer is, it sounds like a great companion tool to Skymaul's Air Straightener. (Copy: "Stop Breathing Disorganized Air!®")
That's... a good question. Wolfram and the chart diverge right from the beginning, as the chart shows a 50% genetic similarity between siblings, whereas Wolfram reports siblings' blood relationship as 25%. Everything from there outward is similarly halved. But I don't really grok that stuff enough to understand which…
You're such an ESTJ.
One other annoyance of the Dropbox app for Android is that you can't automatically upload files in a given folder to your cloud storage. Auto Upload works for photos, but for everything else, you have to upload manually. Previously covered Titanium Media Sync (from the developers of Titanium Backup) allows you to…
Well... that's one of the things about their data, it's not about "lifespan". The reporting is is on "annual failure rate", which is a different thing entirely. If there's a newer drive model that has a high incidence of early failures / DOAs, but the rest of them (the "good ones") run forever and ever with no…
Well, that's if you're getting charged for the repair. If you're paying for someone to work on your $WHATZIS, there's no question that being an informed customer is your best defense against getting taken advantage of.
Also, asking "Do you want my advice?" or "Do you want to know what I think?" isn't really a fair way to gauge if the speaker is seeking input, because at that point you've put them on the spot and they feel pressured to say yes. (This may not be true when it's someone you know well, who'd be perfectly comfortable…
It was the stretch in the front (and the implications for what they were struggling to contain) that interested me more.