Ferdinand Cesarano

While we’re being nitpicky (but not really, where is your damn editor?), opioid is misspelled as “opiod.”

Erm....did it, though?

C’mon, dude. She didn’t swing the baton or drive the getaway car, but she definitely was in the planning and knew about it happening.

since she wasn’t involved in the attack

This is exactly true, the way memory works is that it’s tied to imagination. Memories and perception are always altered and changed over time. This has lead to a number of false sexual assault/molestation accusations over time.

I have often wondered why Moses Farrow gets ignored but not Dylan and Ronan. Why isn’t Moses credible? And Moses’ account isn’t the first time Mia Farrow’s parenting is questioned either but no one seems to want to explore that either.

So now one of the other Farrow siblings, Moses Farrow, is taking Woody’s side; and providing first hand accounts of how Mia Farrow beat him; and he states that Dylan Farrow confided in him that Mia was coaching/instructing her to lie about Woody’s alleged abuse as part of the child custody proceedings back in 1993.

Presumably people stupid enough to say something stupid in front of a camera are also stupid enough to sign whatever you put in front of them.

I’m pretty sure he’s going there to show that the people of Haiti aren’t “shithole” people.

Or maybe Conan is going to go there and show that shithole countries are filled with good, decent hardworking people who deserve our love, respect and empathy.

Trump was actually referring to the people as “shithole” people. The country itself isn’t trying to emigrate; it’s the people that are trying to emigrate.

Yes, exactly. It isn’t that he said they were shithole countries - what’s the point of debating that? It’s that he said people from them were inferior, and don’t deserve to leave them for a better place. 

That wasn’t the reason Trump called the place a shithole, though. It was the people. All Conan has to do is show the people of Haiti to protest Trump’s statement.

+1 giggity

Twice now, Cosmos will have come back at a perfect time.

Five year delay between seasons?  What are we, England?

I”ll have.....BIRTHDAY CAKE!

Dean-dn’t know that! Thanks for the tip.

Also, I greatly appreciate Chuck for calling Fenton Pelt “Pelton,” because you know they made that name to have Chuck dean-liver that Community reference.

This guy is clearly a dick. Nix one idea: don’t pardon Agnew.