Ferdinand Cesarano

Wow, any time someone is willing to go against a family member I have a lil more hope for the human race.

“Why don’t they just move to somewhere they could get a job?????” - every American problem-solving brain genius

Side note:

My company’s hold music is a creepy, 80's Cinemax-sounding hellscape for the ears. At one point there’s synth “clapping”. If necrophilia had a soundtrack it would be that hold music.

I’m pretty old, but not that old, and I don’t understand this post at all.  What is the point, or issue?  Genuinely curious, this is over my head.

The call center I worked in had Jimmy Buffet songs for hold music. I was usually the one putting people on hold rather than being put on hold, but on the occasions that I was put on hold by a supervisor or other call center employee, I wanted to stab my eardrums out.

His Ice-T pitching business ideas is hilarious. Small pack or carry blanket anyone?

Goddamn if Leon saying a do-rag was in the same family as a scarf, ascot, or pocket square didn’t nearly make me shoot Coke Zero out of my nose from laughing.

Yeah, the two tickets/a seat only for Larry bugged me too.

I think I speak for many when I say - who the fuck is Jack Michaels.

Alabama got a bit confused on the 3/5’s compromise...

Let’s be honest, they wouldn’t even care if they realized their mistake. One black man is as good a target as another to them.

“Recently, six Czechoslovakian tourists”

I don’t believe she was harassed. I believe she had a photo that looked like it could incriminate Al and she ran with it, probably at Stone’s urging. Stone is smart enough to know that liberals are terrified of appearing hypocritical and would help him devour one of their heroes. No one’s life was ruined because Al

Good for them. Franken is a man of integrity, and he’s being railroaded by Roger Stone and other Republicans. Saying you think he should resign is playing right into their hands. He made a crude joke. So what? His accuser is a Trump-supporting cunt. It’s shocking how few people see what’s going on here.

As someone who actually knows Senator Franken, the idea that he makes inappropriate jokes isn’t at all surprising. The idea that he’s a serial assaulter, however, is very suspect.

if you edit your grammar error, I’ll allow it.

Controversial opinion, but I love this show.

Bowling leagues typically never have a 16-team bracket playoff system for championships. Rather, the typical 32- or 33-week league season is divided into three 10-week rounds consisting of 9 weeks of round-robin matches (a match consists of a three game series) between teams, where a set number of points (a

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.